
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Squidkake, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    · Upto 6 people in a FFA, although 4 gets too hectic

    · Upto 4v4, although anything above 2v2 is too chaotic

    · KingOf The Hill and Oddball
    1. Sticky Detonator – 2 spare clips;spawn time of 120 seconds

    2. Needler – 2 spare clips; spawn timeof 90 seconds

    3. Sniper Rifle – 1 spare clip; spawntime of 90 seconds
    1. DMR

    2. Battle Rifle

    3. Assault Rifle

    4. Storm Rifle

    5. Covenant Carbine
    2 of everygrenade type
    1 MountedMachine Gun Turret

    The map is small, and consistsof a low ground and a high ground, although those two levels are not leveled,if that makes any sense. The way the map is designed, if you decide to camp uptop, in any part, you can’t view the entire bottom section, which is beneficialbecause this gives those that spawn bellow extra cover. It also keeps playersmoving, preventing camping, which was my biggest fear in creating the highground of this tiny map. I believe I got around that problem well by makingsure in the objective game modes that this map offers (KOTH & Oddball), theobjectives are mostly on the lower level.
    The weapons are set evenlyacross the map, and spawn times were adjusted according to gameplay. The turret on the upper tier may seem like abad idea, but it can only cover the middle of the ground floor, and misses keyparts of the map, such as the teleporter and gravity lift on the right and leftside, respectively. The gravity lift, teleporter, and man cannon allow fasttravel from either one side of the map to the other or from top to bottom.
    To explain the weapon set-upmore precisely, I figured, considering the size of the map, a weapon such as arocket launcher or shotgun would be a little overpowering. I made sure to put avariety of weaponry on the map as well.
    This is my first attempt at aHalo 4 map post, so I would love any criticism or words of advice because Ilove to forge and I would like to make this map or the post better, if at all possible.
    Here are some screenshots:
    #1 Squidkake, Feb 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Why woul you make the writing in the thread black? I can't read squat
  3. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Yeah I realized the problem after the making of the post. I fixed the font color just now.
    #3 Squidkake, Feb 21, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2013

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