Payload (1-Flag)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fenix Hulk, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    for the record I was trying to say that it looks to be competetive and balanced. I have noticed that your maps tend to come under attack just because you usually try to do something new that no one has dnoe before. You seem to execute the ideas rather well and where something is lacking through testing, it gets fixed.

    true, that you can't judge gameplay without trying it, and I definitely intend to be trying this one!
  2. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I really like this map from the looks of it. About time someone made use of Banshees, which are not overpowered in Halo 4. You can take one down in a jippy so now we can have maps with more than 2 of them I think. Love the idea of this map with the Banshees attacking a freighter as well. Really cool bro.

    It definitely can be considered a Competitive map in my opinion.
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Forgehub -Maps that are created as if to be played in the Halo 4 online matchmaking system. These are what you would expect the typical Halo experience to be, and usually have a competitive aspect that appeals to the classic Halo fans.[link]

    I can play grifball competitively. Are grifball courts now seen as competitive maps? Anything can be played competitively. It's about what design choices and aspects are applied to the map itself, that makes it competitive or casual.

    I can substitute that into any gametype. If my flood map is well balanced, and both humans and flood have an equal chance of winning, is my map then competitive? It's not about how it plays, it's about design choices.

    Could you argue then that a design that lacks regard to layout, flow, spawning, balanced weapon placement, pathing, and balanced vehicle placement can still be competitive. Not to say this map is a bad map, in fact I mentioned to Nut in the game that we needed more great games like this in Halo 4. Japan Attack! was probably my favorite gametype-map combo in Halo 3, and it involved very similar aspects to this map. All the gametype was was a default one-bomb mode with different timers. It was not at all competitive, but it was a whole ton of fun, just like this was.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I wasn't attacking you, I meant to use your quote to help support my discussion. sorry if it came off the wrong way.

    This map supports 1-Flag which was an official gametype for Halo 3 and is reimagined the exact same way here. It's an official gametype from a previous Halo. Grifball is competitive as well becuase it is now an official gametype.
    #24 Fenix Hulk, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  5. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Since when did we start looking to ForgeHub as the be-all end-all?

    Bad example Berbeh! The grifball court is not a competitive map, nor is it a casual one. I don't even want to call it a "map" to begin with, as that implies it can vary in design to produce unique gameplay. It's simply a court on which grifball is played. The court can't be altered in such a way to distinguish it between casual or competitive, as opposed to traditional Halo gametypes that place importance on map design. It's the gametype that is competitive. It's like comparing basketball to laser-tag. Basketball is a competitive sport, but you wouldn't call the actual basketball court competitive; it's just a flat surface to play the game on. Whereas laser-tag depends on the layout of rooms and bunkers, which places importance on the layout of each individual laser-tag playspace.

    "It's about what design choices and aspects are applied to the map itself, that makes it competitive or casual." I completely agree. If it is designed and executed in a balanced fashion, then it can be classified as competitive. But that doesn't mean it has to be limited to a certain number of banshees and rocket launchers. As long as it's balanced, it should still be classified as competitive.

    Ah, flood. Sure, the map can be well balanced, but it's the gametype that isn't balanced from a competitive standpoint in this scenario. Alpha zombies are chosen at random, practically disqualifying it from the start. There's no equal playing ground that ensures humans and zombies will have the same odds, and the same opportunities to get points.

    Look at the bolded words here. You even said it yourself, twice! As long as these things are balanced, sure, it could still be played competitively. However, that doesn't qualify it as a well designed map by any means.

    Should we move this to Shoe's thread?
    #25 Dax, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  6. ArionSHFL

    ArionSHFL Promethean

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    What was your budget like on this? I want to make a boat now.... JD Horx has a map with a huge spaceship in it on impact with the same idea, you should check it out.
  7. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Well there is 5 banshees, 2 mantis, 2 mongooses, 3 dominion turrets, 4 regular turrets, and 4 lights. That alone costs $2600, lol. Besides that it's fairly low, zero frame rate issues.
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    This looks unique and fun to play. My only concerns are the lack of height variation on the ship floor and roundabouts if on radar, but when keeping with realism it's not possible to do much with either.

    I really like it, man.
  9. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I don't understand your concern here? The crates pack loads of height variation. Making the floor change height in palces will have the same effect as the crates. I stylized the map with CQB in mind b/c close quarter favored maps are hard to come by these days and keeps the action pretty chaotic. It's like the attackers are trying to draw the defenders into their "den" where they are easily preyed upon.
  10. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First off, this is a really cool idea, and you executed it well. I have 2 quick suggestions, and I'm not even sure on how possible they are because I'm not aware of what changes you can make to gametypes and such in Halo 4. They may have already been mentioned also, but I doubt they have in the heat of all this competitive/casual debating.

    1.) This one is certainly possible, but some "overhangs" elsewhere than the defenders initial spawn to provide cover from the air assault would be nice. Until the banshees are gone, defenders are confined to that one area for safety, which makes it less safe because the swarm of attackers know exactly where they are. Like shooting fish in a barrel, I guess you could say.

    2.) Is it possible to remove the jetpack option for 1 team? This would take some more balancing, but I think removing jetpack for the defenders would be a good idea. It seems that once the flag has been removed from its perch, it's just a mad dash across the map, which is essentially free-flowing because the jetpack opens up an infinite number of routes. Also, when the flag gets into a low, close quarters area, or a mosh pit, if you will, it seems too easy for the defenders with jetpacks to set up above and rain down upon the attackers who are scurrying after the flag, unable to dent the defenders set-up that can easily be replaced in seconds if it is damaged due to the closeness of the spawns.

    I suppose you could argue that the attackers could theoretically do the same, but bear in mind that they have to sacrifice people to rush for the flag. And experimentally from the videos, it seemed that the defenders always had that set up, not the attackers.

    Just some thoughts. This is just from watching the videos. The turret idea, the entire "theme" of it, though I hate using that word, and so forth are just awesome. Great job.
    #30 Erupt, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  11. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    1. Yeah I have thought about this before and seems like it would be a nice addition to add a few overhangs maybe between crates or side bunkers as you will. I will put some thought into this and I know that attackers instantly start raining hellfire down on the main building upon start.

    2. I think this may cause more problems than it will fix. The vids displayed amateur team work as people (including me) were more of just getting a feel for the map rather than cordinating attacks and so on. I think it becomes very balanced inside the crate area and makes the attackers have to work for the flag cap the whole way back rather than just making it to a certain point and counting it a "certain" capture.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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