Unearthed:Pre DLC Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LieutenantAshler, May 22, 2008.


Which map is the best in this map pack?

Poll closed Jun 12, 2008.
  1. Triage

    0 vote(s)
  2. Asgard

    2 vote(s)
  3. Stranded

    0 vote(s)
  4. All good

    1 vote(s)
  1. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Most of the maps being posted now are either on Foundry or one of the other DLC maps. This Map Pack, however, will deviate from that pattern by bringing you some gaming goodness from the original release maps. I was doing some cleanup on my hard-drive when I uncovered some maps I had made prior to the DLC’s release, indeed even before I had heard of Forgehub.

    UNEARTHED: The Pre-DLC Map pack

    This Impromptu Field Hospital was hastily abandoned during a covenant raid. 2-8 Players
    Triage is a revamped version of Construct, the map introduces new cover, weapons and play-styles. When you step onto this map you will discover that everything you thought you knew about Construct has changed. In one sided games, such as Infection, One Bomb, One Flag etc, the defenders are set on the top floor and are provided with multiple barricades as layers of defense.
    As one defensive layer is penetrated, the defenders can fall back to the next.
    In Asymmetric games, the lifts are effectively sealed off by means of teleporters as are the support struts for the sword catwalk. This forces the attackers to take the ramp or gravity lifts to reach the top floor. As a result, it is generally a good idea to lengthen the time limit in objective games, with the possible exception of Infection.
    One more thing, the map is positively Littered in equipment and weapons.

    Weapons on Map:
    Shotgun X2
    Sniper X2
    Sword X1
    SMG X4
    Plasma Rifle X 3
    Magnum X2
    Plasma Pistol X1
    Battle Rifle X4
    Carbine X3
    Spartan Laser X1
    Spiker X2
    Assault Rifle X1
    P. Beam Rifle X1
    Brute Shot X1
    Needler X2
    Rocket X1 (+1 in symmetrical games) (only 2 shots each)
    Mauler X2
    Sentinel Beam X3

    Support Weapons on map:
    Turret X4 (asymmetric only)
    Flamethrower X1 (duh)

    Grenades on map:
    Frag X4
    Plasma X8
    Spike X4
    Firebomb X4

    Equipment On map:
    Grav Lift X1
    Radar Jammer X1
    Deployable Cover X1
    Bubble Shield X1

    Download Triage

    Formerly a small reserve, this gorge was repurposed as a communications relay following the advent of the firing. 6-16 Players
    Asgard is a refocused Valhalla. The map incorporates a Scorpion, two Hornets, four Warthogs and Mongooses.
    To counter the heavy Vehicle presence, each base is equipped with a Spartan Laser in addition to it’s default equipment and weaponry.
    Instead of a Laser spawning in the center, a beam Rifle is the reward for anyone who reaches the central ridge first. Four Human Snipers are placed on the map, but they all take a hit in terms of Clip Size. Probably the most unique feature of this map is the tele taps. The teleporters next to the Scorpion (see above) send players to the tips of the spires on each base.

    Download Asgard

    A hostile environment drove the original inhabitants away, now this place is a treasure trove of their history. 6-16 players
    Stranded takes Sandtrap back to epic infantry battles. The vast majority of the map’s resources, (Weapons, Equipment, Vehicles, etc.) are concentrated in four places. Each elephant sports a sniper, Laser, Shotgun, 2 BRs, a Warthog, Trip mine, and more.
    Each elephant is also linked to a two way teleporter that sends users to the opposite side of the map. These landing points are the other two primary resource points, each houses a Needler, Regen, Chopper, Brute Shot, BRs Grenades and other supplies.
    The central trench is flanked by two bunkers, where smaller concentrations of resources are focused.
    The final touch to this map is a Scorpion behind each Elephant’s primary starting point.

    Download Stranded

    And that’s it! Please Enjoy Unearthed: The Pre-DLC Map Pack.
    #1 LieutenantAshler, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All of these are very nice maps and dont get me wrong, but these maps will not be downloaded or played nearly as much as a map on the legendary and/or heroic map packs.
  3. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Obviously. I Don't expect massive numbers of downloads or plays, I just want to put my ideas out there.
    And Yes, Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
  4. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dont get me wrong i like the maps, but what is the point of adding ramdom objects does it relly change the gameplay?
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like to see people make maps on the old maps, good job
  6. JuicyTheKing

    JuicyTheKing Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think the biggest challenge about making maps on old maps is that there are almost no solid immobile objects to merge or keep in place, everything has to be locked down with teleporters
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not the most creative of all maps, but hey you used another map other then foundry. Nice Job and I hope to see better work forn you.
  8. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Camofo, these are from when I was just starting to forge. I hadn't even heard of forgehub when I made these. For goodness sake, PLEASE read OP before posting.
  9. Glitchditch

    Glitchditch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    they look pretty good for pre-dlc, i hope to see more maps that are on the original ones.
  10. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I had a map similar to ball pit, but decided not to post it because ppl would have called it a rip off, (even though it wasn't)

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