
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Yama, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Collection is a different type of challenge than my other forge works in that I'm working around pre-determined areas to allow them to work outside of their intended element. The result is a small competitive map that has official visual standards not possible within the forge templates, yet forge is put to work in order to allow the intended competitive play. The other challenge in doing so comes from the lack of any forge pieces to work with and forcing these substitutes to work in a manner not to be detrimental to visual fidelity.

    Please watch the video for a full explanation and walk around:

    Halo 4 Competitive Maps | Collection - YouTube

    Update: An updated version is available with a few small tweaks and a second teleporter in glass hallway (every gametype except CTF). This allows greater movement around the map without the ability to camp an exit.







    #1 Yama, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    It's a good idea to cut off sections of official maps to make new ones. However, for competitive maps/gametypes it is kind of a "requirement" I guess you would say, to have at least 3 or more different entrances/exits to each team's base. I'm sure you can get away with 2 in some cases.

    What I got from the video was there is only one teleporter leading from base to base? This really wouldn't work, assumming you are using each of the bases as team bases, because one team can just wait by a teleporter and kill anyone who comes through. Then nobody will even want to go through the teleporter and both teams will just camp in their bases until the time runs out.

    The only way to properly do this (that I see) is to somehow add more teleporters and probably a 3rd area that would be the middle grounds area that both teams would have to traverse to get to the other's base. Because you have to use teleporters as the entrances and exits of each base... and you definitely need more than 1 for each base.

    Edited by merge:

    oh and I'm not saying I know everything about making competitive maps because I don't. I just know you need more than one entrance/exit to team's bases. If you take a look at all the bases in official halo maps you'll see there is never just one. Even in the Battle Creek map you mentioned, each base from what I remember has a top entrance (hole in roof), back entrance and front entrance.
    #2 Starship Ghost, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  3. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    While I know this and it should be apparent by my other maps (click away), it doesn't take away from the fact that you are right in saying so. Keep in mind, there are little to no materials to forge with here, not even a wall. The challenge here isn't understanding these basic concepts, but forcing them to work with what we have as a canvas.

    Here's my solution: Added a second teleporter to the glass window hallway, solves the issue. Like the other, players can not stand behind it. This was actually in my original version, though removed due to CTF. What I did however was made it appear in every gametype except CTF which more or less solves the issue.

    Updated, uploaded and play tested. Everyone agrees it is a welcome change. I appreciate the immediate input. As for the middle ground, due to forge limitations it simply won't work. However after having play tested this with two active teleporters, it's not necessary thankfully.
    #3 Yama, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013

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