I played Fable for five days and found this: The weapons: Ranged: 1. Get famous. Very famous. Then make 12 people follow you, travel to the North-East of Wraithmarsh and go to the demon door. It talks very long, try not to fall asleep. After it opens, walk in and into the house. Walk upstairs and take the book next to the skeleton on the bed. The walk out of the back door of the house and into the cave. Walk to the end, and open the chest. You get a weapon that shoots normal speed, 86 damage and 0.75 reload time. (6 shots/magazine) Ranged: 2. Travel to the Giles farm in Brightwood. Dig on a grave behind it (I think it was a grave). You get a key. Open the cellar behind the farm. Fight your way to the final room. (Filled with sand). Left of you is a silver key. Dig in front of the wall in front of you, just next to the light. You get a weapon with 177 damage, reload time one and one shot/magazine. It kills a banshee with one shot. Melee: 1. Travel to Brightwood Tower. Walk up to where the teleporter is. You see a crack in the rail next to you. Jump down there. You will be inside Archons knot. (Turn around right after you fell in and destroy the Gargoyle). While fighting and riddling your way through, you will also get a silver key. After you get out of the cave, there will be a chest right next to you. You receive the Daichi. Attack speed fast, 96 damage, electrical damage. Melee: 2. Buy a master Katana and use the Ghoul Augment on it. It will be like impossible for you to die. Infinite exp: Play offline, works best. While playing, press start with the second controller and bring a second char in. Press start with the second controller and return all your abilities. Quit with the second char, and all exp will be moved to the first one. Use it, and do it again, until your stats are maxed. Infinite money: Buy a few shops. Go online. Save. Take the cable out of your xbox (internet). Change the date of your xbox to 2025. Start Fable 2. Be happy. Buy more shops. Connect to xbox live again. Save. Take cable out. Change date. Start Fable 2. Be happy again. Repeat until you are happy enough.
Sounds good. My friend has got the game, so I might pass on a few of these tips to him. I may have to borrow it too... Nice job on finding this.
Wow. I'm getting Fable 2 soon. This should be extremely helpful, but at first I will just play the game and see how it goes out without glitches/cheats.
Now, if this were Fable 1 you could name it something as definitive as a guide to "the four best weapons" as there are extremely amazing Legendary weapons in Fable 1 that outshine all others. However, Lionhead made Fable 2 with alternate playstyles in mind, so there are numerous "bests" each with the general benefits and disadvantages that accompany their weapon class (i.e. sword is quick but not as damaging as a hammer) so, with that in mind, you cant really say certain weapons are better than others (at least not when comparing Legendarys to Masters) as some of them have terrible stats but worthwhile augments. Personally, I use the Daichi and a Master Flintlock Pistol (augmented with Ghoul and some other 4-star one thats amazing) and since my skill is maxed out, I can headshot like 20 (literally) enemies without getting touched due to the sub-target aiming system as the pistol is technically void of reload time and shoots rather fast.
I use the master katana with ghoul augment as well though I use the red dragon pistol as a ranged weapon. It shoots so fast and reloads fast too. It makes me feel like I'm playing halo with a machine gun when I'm wearing my master chief costume.
Your tip to get infinite money is a little troublesome. What I do is just play off-line. Save my game, go to dashboard, move my clock time up 1 year, go back to fable, get money money, repeat. The game only allow up to 550 hours, so it doesn't matter iff you raise it to 2025. Me i use daichi. Im more of a sword guy. Ever since the first fable, i only liked using the swords, mainly the katanas. So finding out that the daichi was a katana and that it was the strongest melee weapon, i just fell in love with it. I really don't care what gun I use. I really like the red dragon because of the sound it makes and the clockwork rifle. i forget what rifle it is actually, i just know its black. P.S. I make like 20k every 5 minutes! Im working on putting 5 star furniture in all my rented out homes...
i use the master blunderbuss with Flame augment. sometimes the master turret rifle. my melee is either the Daichi or Master Hammer with any 5 star augment. and shihuru is right, changing you date up one or 2 years(depending on how much $$ u make per however many mins) is faster and gives you more cash in the long run thatn going to 2025. i have to go up 2 years cause i only make 6650(im trying to be pure lol) i think that if u get over 10,000, you get 1mil per year.
Exp. Hi i tried to use your tip on how to get infinite exp, but it didnt transfer the points to my first char. I did everything as you mentioned and nothing worked. Am i doing something wrong?
^lol Jakub, Plasma Napkin hasn't posted in like 2 years so unless someone else in the thread can help you out, you're probably out of luck.
The reason you're exploit doesn't work anymore is because it was patched. Clear your xbox's cache and it'll do the trick. Someone might as well justify the necrobump.
I never really understood the point of the weapons in Fable II and III. The game has no penalty for death, so why do players feel the need to carry the best weapons? I mean, I guess killing enemies faster is somewhat convenient, but the legendary weapons destroy the challenge that fighting can be on top of the fact that the concept of failure was destroyed from the beginning.