Ive come across a really stupid glitch in my forging and it is stopping me from getting a feature on THFE. Psycho duck (for those of you who know of him) checked out my map Contingency (countdown remake) and said there was a spot near the concussion rifle spawn that has alot of screen lag and or framerate issues. But when I went into a custom game and checked out the spot he mentioned from every angle, not a single framerate problem. all checked out perfectly. It wasnt until I went into FORGE mode and went to the same place that I was having severe framerate issues. So obviously psycho duck only saw my map in forge mode. This one spot has a total of 7 blocks on the screen at the worst angle that causes framerate issues. so why is there screen lag if there are only 7 blocks on the screen?? ive tried everything to get rid of it but im having no luck. and the issue only seems to be in forge but not in custom games... anybody else come across this and or knows a fix?? its random ridiculous screen lag in forge that honestly should not be happening and I cant explain it (
all of it. which initially might SEEM like the problem but most of the map is perfect with no screen lag but this one part of the map has ridiculous screen lag. And it is a part of the map which has a bearable amount of pieces on the screen... go take a look if you can it might only take another experienced forger like you to be able to help me fix this
yeah, i really want to fix this, ive tried everything, ive even tried deleting virtually every block on the top level but that didnt work either wtf? i also tried that... for a little while before i lost patience with the map all together
Just keep trying different things, try using different pieces and see if you get the same results. Unfortunately sometimes there's nothing you can do.
It sounds like you have gone over the dynamic lighting budget. Check out this thread http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142634-guide-dynamic-lighting.html. Also check that the blocks are not phased. That can help. Finally, try resaving under a slightly different name doubt that will help, but worth a try; However, if it doesn't cause said lag in actual play I wouldn't worry about it since the map is finished.
it may be the piece types themselves. I've done only a little research on what types of objects cause framerate lag, so there are few hard and fast rules to relay at this point. But one thing that definitely seems consistent is windows. so obviously the pieces with "window" in the name, and pieces with any windows in them. But also less intuitively, any block piece that has a portion of the face that has a window with more interior to the blocks... and I agree that budget alone does not cause framerate issues. it's about what is being displayed. though, Warholic says that windows not necessarily visible can cause issues too. Corridor/Station Ramp type pieces have windows on them, and cause lag even if you have them flipped so players never see the windows. So don't use too many in a small area. Good luck!
I have seen this a few times, maps with framerate issues in Forge but not in custom games. I think as long as the framerate is fine in a match, who cares really? I have a theory that it might be forge objects that cause framerate lag, like gravity volumes, spawns (maybe), kill zones, that type of thing. Just a theory though I haven't done any testing with it. It's the only thing I can make sense of. Since those objects are invisible in custom games the lag isn't there?
that's a logical induction, for sure. also the game engine may have other features such as forge tools loaded in memory all the time and may hinder performance inside Forge and not in Customs.
The framerate drops were caused purely by object density, with the railings, floor, walls, etc. The room triple pieces used for walls tend to be harsh on framerate. I had not yet checked your map out outside of Forge, but I doubt that all of the performance issues would be negated in custom games with multiple players fighting on that platform. Also, you can always message/ask me directly about this sort of thing on whatever forum. I get a lot of messages but I tend to be able to get through them all in not too much time.
Hey thanks for replying! I am a little confused on what you mean by object density... after spending some hours on the map tonight with a fresh head I believe I have found a solution. I was able to remove virtually all the framerate drop from that particular area by replacing a few pieces inside the 3 lift room with larger ones. my theory was rather complicated but it seemed to work! In forge however the same problem persists, very laggy screen over this area but trust me test it out in a custom game, with people or by yourself and you will see the position no longer shows any framerate drop I will pm you when it is perfect though and post an official update on 343 industries site
i'm curious, is the FR issue in forge with two controllers signed in so it's on splitscreen? now that you mention this, I think FR issues actually playing splitscreen with a friend recentliy were less prevelent than they were in forge with two players... maybe forge is just laggy? but with that said, designing so that Forge is not laggy is a good way to perhaps guarantee that the games are never laggy (for FR reasons anyway). good luck