Remake High Ground

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by DeadlyAvenger24, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. DeadlyAvenger24

    DeadlyAvenger24 Promethean

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    High Ground

    Created by DeadlyAvenger24

    Map Description
    Hey guys, I recently remade High Ground from Halo 3! There are some changes, though (don't worry... not structural changes). I've spent over 3 weeks trying to get this as accurate as possible. It works with all gametypes (except Grifball) in Halo 4!

    Now as I was saying...

    Changes include:
    -Most power weapons and all grenades are respawning ordnance drops
    -A few weapons, that are now loadout weapons, were cut because of repetitiveness
    -Trait Zones in pipe room to increase jump height
    -A few DMRs in place of BRs

    Anyways, check out the map if you're interested and let me know what you think.

    High Ground Gate

    High Ground Shore

    High Ground Pipe Room

    High Ground Broken Building

    High Ground Overview
    #1 DeadlyAvenger24, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Endezeichen

    Endezeichen Promethean

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    i would just like to say thanks for this i had been looking for a high ground remake for a little bit. sorta made one myself on a larger scale on ravine but yours is more straight remake of halo 3. the power weapons did seem to spawn too often. idk if they were 2min spawns instead of 3 or if it is bc they are ordinances. i dont think you can edit ammo amounts in ordinance drops so i've noticed that is a problem i'm facing in a lot of maps. especially if the ammo perk is being used. but that's just my opinion. idk if this is set up for flag at all but making it one flag (there is a way to do it in h4 btw) would be sweet.

    what i've personally done on some maps is make the initial weapon drop ordinances NOT respawn. but then i place random ordinances of the same weapons in the same locations. it helps keep the game less power weapon more precision weapon. just a thought. great job overall.
  3. DeadlyAvenger24

    DeadlyAvenger24 Promethean

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    The power weapons may seem to spawn quickly, but those were their spawn times in halo 3 and I was going for an exact remake of the original. I do understand what you meant with the random ordnance drops, though. I believe that in the Infinity Slayer gametype the random ordnances spawn in anywhere from a minute and 30 secs to 2 minutes anyways.

    About the one flag...
    There are two reasons why it won't work:
    1. I don't know how to make it work
    2. I hit the item limit

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