If it is an "open-world" MMOFPS, it kind of seems like it is instanced judging from the portals seen in the trailer, similar to that of the first Guild Wars. I can't imagine it being truly open-world on the hardware of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3... But they are wizards so who knows.
Payback..? I don't get what you mean... PC is a vastly superior platform for multiple reasons. 1) More powerful hardware (Which you can continue to upgrade) (Seriously, my computer is about 16x as powerful as an Xbox 360) 2) Larger Community - More people log into steam daily than the amount of Xbox Live Accounts ever created 3) User-Generated Content - Valve is showing that User-Generated Content is the future of the Video Game Industry. Also, it's quite literally impossible for a Console to allow the same degree of user-generated content as PCs. 4) Open Platform - You want a new video card? Go ahead. You want a new case? Go ahead. You want a new Operating System? Go ahead. You're not breaching any Terms of Service by swapping out one part for another. 5) Cheaper Hardware - A computer equivalent to the Xbox would probably be worth about $80-$100. 6) Cheaper Games - Seriously. I bought Spec Ops: The Line for $5 when it was still $40 for a used copy on either console. 7) More Games - You know how that whole indie game movement is going on right now? Well, 99% of those games are on PC because Xbox and PS3 are closed platforms. 8) Input Variance - You like your controller? That's fine. Play your games with it. Prefer Keyboard and Mouse? That's cool, too. Play with 'em. EDIT: I also forgot to mention that PC is an easier, and cheaper, platform to develop for. It costs $10,000USD to send an update for certification for the Xbox. It costs nothing to update a game on PC Spoiler'd are some images that might also help you understand other reasons why PC is an awesome platform. Spoiler On the topic of the game... It's actually really disappointing that PC won't be getting it on release. However, the legal information released a few months back showed that the second game in the series would be launched on PC alongside the other platforms, which means the PC port of Destiny will probably happen within a few months of release.
I'm sorry, i may have come off as hating on the game. It's really not that I'm voicing against it, and Halo influence isn't bad, I'm just saying that I'm not getting this great vibe of new feats of gameplay/story that they are trying to sell. It looks great visually and I'm sure the gameplay will be good at the very least.
First of all, it's not a complaint, it's an impression. This is a thread where we gather to talk about our impressions, for good or for ill. Let's not already start drawing battle lines where everyone is either permanently pro or con. There was enough of that in the long lead-up to Halo 4. There's more than enough of that in every gaming forum and comment thread, and I can't be the only one that's tired of it. Second, the point I was making (I won't speak for anyone else) is not that it would be a bad thing if any of it feels familiar - rather that it's a bad thing that all of it feels familiar. At least to me. I wanted Bungie to shoot off in some less-familiar direction because I've now played four major Halo titles and two minor ones, and I've played them all to death. I've been a spartan for countless hundreds, possibly even thousands of hours. Forged dozens of maps, attended scores of LAN parties and several times as many customs lobbies on Live. I've played 2+ hours of Halo today and will play several more tonight. And while this all speaks to the depths of my love for Halo, which really can't be overstated, it also might give some insight into why I might be hungry for something new, and not another multi-title series that just recombines elements from Halo into a technically different, but similar-feeling, animal. So yeah, tell me more about this MMORPG stuff. That has me intrigued. So far, the concept art and story and fragments of gameplay they've shown do not - though they are beautiful and well-realized in their own right. However, I'd be eager to hear about anything new they're doing in those arenas, as well. I want to hear about what sets Destiny apart. I feel like they're playing it safe so far by only hinting at that, while showing what makes Destiny very much "the new game series from the creators of Halo."
Reach had a little grit to it. But the Halo calling card, art design-wise, has generally been bold and clear colors and shapes. I actually find it a little refreshing to play Halo lately amidst all the variations of Grays of War and Call of Dirty.
Im sorry for writing that, the reason for doing so is probally because I have seen to many PC gamers hating on consoles. How the consoles have held back the PC gaming industry for years, how PC has the better exclusives. Some people don"t have the money for an badass gaming PC, instead they buy an console, PC gamers still don't understand. But the "Payback" is merely pointed at the exclusives of the PC and that Xbox and PS are about to get an awesome one, purely because I already admire the game. I do not have the time for an big-time explenation right now, I hope you know what I mean, still sorry for writing that... Because the most part of the PC gamers don't do this. Sometimes I write stupid things I guess... :S And Pac.. I should,ve added with my post that I really like they are taking things from Halo because I didn't explain that. I was only pointing things out EDIT: I said earlier that an automatic gun (43 rounds) reminded me instantly of the Assault Rifle... That Sniper Rifle that is shown in the video looks even more alike to the one of Halo I think its awesome. Edited by merge: Now you have said that, something popped up in my mind. I have watched an video stating : "The Xbox 360 and PS3 are the first recievers of the game, the game would probally come out on PC a few months later." Damn, wish I knew wich video that was. Im going to find it.
Right then. Is neo about? Destiny will take over halo and cut forge from it. If you pay careful attention in the vidoc you can just make it out.
I'm assuming the countdown to any kind of Destiny forge(-equivalent) reveal is months, not days or weeks, long... dammit. If I can make my own maps that are little areas in an open world game that anyone can venture into, then Bungie gets my $60, no more questions asked.
The sheer logistics of how that would work don't make sense to me. I suppose anything is possible but from what I've heard of the game, there will be no offline component.
fuuuuuuuuuuuu It's bad enough that I can't use Half of my copy of Halo 4, or that I can't get achievements, or that I can't earn credits offline... don't do this to me! ;A;
It sounds pretty awesome and ambitious. It's almost like they could place the setting with the ancient humans of the Halo world long before they even come across the Forerunners and Flood. As a stand alone world though I have high hopes. Bungie knows their sci-fi.
Damn I'm excited for this game. If what they are promising turns out to be true, I will be in love. I've always wanted a game the emerges me with a massive setting, and I've always wanted to play as someone I completely create. Being able to travel to every planet in our solar system sounds ****ing awesome, and combine this aspect with no loading screen and you have something truly spectacular. I'm also excited to finally be able to dive deep into some fresh lore; I came along too late to enjoy Halo. With Destiny, I have the fresh start I've been looking for.
I hope the games are the only source of lore over the next decade. I don't want to be in the dark because I didn't read a book.
^ this so much plus, the writing style for the halo books are atrocious, and you get some strange looks when people see you reading them.