Hi there! My name is Steven Page. I am from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. I am a software developer, and website designer, and I am currently running my own small time development Firm entitled the RapidWebs Organization. I have registered here in these Forums because I have recently purchased an Xbox Slim, and have received Halo: Reach likewise for free. I used to play Halo: combat evolved? i believe its called (number 1?), and in all honesty, its been an awfully long time since I have really played anything in the Halo Series! Anyways, so I have started poking around, meeting new people online, and parsing thru my current friends list looking for Reach players... and So far I am enjoying myself! Also, I have started to take a liking to the Forge mode. on my off time, from raking my mind over algorithms, and debugging code day and night, I really enjoy being able to sit down at a fully featured level editor (regardless of its constraints...) and just being able to make what i like, when i like, and being able to play it with your Friends is great too.. on another note, i also just discovered actually how hard it is to play these maps with people (when you have just started indulging your self into the halo series and do not yet really know many others who play) so and this is how i arrived here: I have not only enjoyed making my own Maps, but also playing others Maps as well. I would be more than happy to join up and play with people, test maps if people need, as long as I only get the same in return! It will also be great having registration at a custom game forum for halo, so that I am aware of any new releases, and whats going on in the Community. I have recently finished my first map. If you add my Gamer Tag INFALLEN66, and check out my File share, it is titled "Sparta for Spartans". There is both a regular version, and a CTF version. However, this does not seem the time, nor the place to discuss this map. i probably should create its own thread for it; thanks for having such a great place available for people to share their creations guys! I hope I enjoy my stay!
Welcome to the wonderful world of forge, and ForgeHub! I rarely get much time to forge, but it's nice to see others becoming interested.
Welcome aboard! If you need anything from a staffer, look for most anyone with a name that isn't gray and send them a PM. And if you want to get into a custom game to test out your maps, try this forum to join a game or set up your own - usually giving a few days notice is a good idea. I also run a weekly lobby that you can get to by clicking the banner in my signature.
Hey there Nice to see you here. You might find that this link will help you get acquainted with the various aspects of the website. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/69300-new-forge-hub-all-information-here.html#post856202 Looking forward to your map post
This is probably the longest introductory post I have ever seen. I don't really forge, but its fun to play other forge maps. Welcome!