The glory days, before it became completely ****. And Jagex has finally listened to the community, they are releasing servers that run on runescape the way it was in 2006-2007. The more votes they get in for it, the better the offer will be. As of now only paying members will be able to play on these servers, but if we reach 750,000 votes, it will be free. This was my childhood. Old School RuneScape Servers: Poll Now Live - News - RuneScape 130,000 VOTES SO FAR!
Everyone on this site must vote...NAO. And if it reaches 750,000 will all 2007 features be free (including what used to require membership back in 2007)? Or only what was originally F2P in 2007? EDIT: oh, you need to be a member to vote? Damn. I'd consider buying a month of membership just for this. Runescape took up SO much of my childhood.
I used to play Rs quite a bit in the past, though I eventually got bored on my first account, made a second one later on but got bored again. I admit though its a game that shown great potential and when I played it I enjoyed it for quite a few years. Im not signing up again though. At the very least not until Im 27 .
If it requires paid membership just to vote I don't think many people here will be enthusiastic to help
Holy ****! Runescape unite on Forgehub. I am with you Zatherla, that was a big part of my childhood too, especially 2006-2007.. Pre-grand exchange. I think, even though only members can vote, we can make that 750.000. It will be a stretch, but I believe the community backs this up, Runescape is doing good now. Only a bit of an problem though.. The people who are interested in this already quit, and its only for members to vote, wich is a little weird. But this is a good step. Everyone will also be Lvl 3 on the 2007 server too, starting over again, Tutorial island.. But the content they are putting out gets better too, I am really interested in the Quest revealed next week in the BTS. Runescape keeps getting more interesting. I created an new account today, to check some things out (Talk about coincidence) and you get an 14-day trail of membership, I hope you can vote with that, then I will. I still have my old account though, I will never lose that one. Edited by merge: Maybe not here no.. Its weird that they have chosen to let only members vote, free players will be a bit angry, If they could participate the 750.000 was already reached today, probally even an million. Its an good step though.
Hell I remember in like 2003 when I made an account. My user was slayor504 because When I was 6-7 ish I had no idea how to spell slayer. Good ol times. I deactivated my membership so I could pay for xboxlive.
No? I think you only need an account to vote, I voted without a membership. And I am pretty sure it's only F2P features will be free. You'll have to pay for membership to play with a membership. EDIT: you do need a membership to vote, but it turns out when you register an account with an email address you get two weeks of free membership as a trial. So that's how I voted.
meh, I never understood the hype aroumd runescape. Also, when I was younger, I thought it was Run escape since I didnt know any friends IRL that played it to tell me I was wrong. But w/e it seems you guys liked it better the way it was back then and its cool that theyre letting you do it again.
I didn't mind runescape 1 or 2 years ago. I don't have anything against the changes there were. I played as a member, I'm not one of the many people who seem to think the entire game revolved around wildy pvp. I object to how runescape is now because it's oversaturated. There's too much junk like that gambling thing. (If anyone's ever played any of the older artix entertainment games, you should know what I mean by oversaturated with junk) In terms of Jagex, lately, "****ing up" isn't adequate to describe what they've been doing They've invested heavily in projects that just flopped and failed, and then left them Good example - funorb was a neat minigame site they made with a couple of great games They literally abandoned it 2 years ago because it wasn't making enough and they moved all the devs from it. I don't get why they haven't just took it down, all of the games are now beyond broken.
I think it's fair p2p players only vote, There more invested into the game, Also encourages f2p players to buy some membership. No idea how much the grand exchange ruined Runescape for me, In MMO's I like to play a "merchant" role, Sitting in Varrocks main bank with autotyper my really fast typing skills Buying and selling everything get like 2 mill in a day. I had like the most expensive f2p items you could get. One thing I don't get is Are they admitting there game sucks at the moment? (I haven't played in ages so it could be **** but for a developer to admit its **** would be weird)
Well, I do agree with you, the members have surely invested more in the game. They don't admit the game is bad, In fact they are the ones most excited about the EoC (Evolution of Combat). They have explained that they have found an backup of the game, Pre-grand exchange, 2007. And explained they are listening to the community. Now with that step, their video,s don't get that much dislikes anymore, and the content apart from the "Old-school runescape" becomes much more interesting. I must admit that their content is becoming good. This server is an different runescape, the main runescape now doesn't get affected, these are both seperated. If the 2007 server does come back, everyone who will join that will start over. And Goat, yeah.. Stellar Dawn. Never heard of it anymore. I have checked their site now you have said it and they paused the development of the game.. But, come to think of it, it would be awesome to play with you guys, create an Clan Citadel called the Forgecastle, where all the forgehubbers could join, and talk easily. Would be nice? I think it would be awesome But im drifting off..
That's a shame! I don't like that system, small things, like muting, could already ban you if you have a large record of it. And I have been recorded for several things I didn't do either, Mods can use their power if they are moody or angry.
Just found out that over the last few years Jagex has been involved in reinstating macoring accounts for payments, however they seem to be the ones deciding on it and have nowhere to apply. I would play if i could get my account back.. it was awesome.
It would be awesome to play with some of you guys, and even create an Castle where Forgehubbers can meet, the whole site can go there. (Clan Citadel update, you can apply for a Castle for your clan, and then you have an place to find your fellow forgers and just to talk with them easily, to me it looks like an nice idea ) Im going to scan the site, and see where you can find this for you. I hope I find something man.
I don't get why so many people used macros, some people actually used macros and complained they were banned Too many 10 year olds played runescape
I'm gunna have to say that I wasted sooo much time grinding in runescape and I have sworn it off for the rest of my days
Wait what the **** Runescape was not old school in 06-07. Thats when I quit I want to see some 2d old school **** where arrows were green splotches and spells were blue splotches