I wasn't sure where to put this so if this thread should be placed into a different forum then can someone move this to the appropriate discussion forum on FH? Anyways, Im sure we all have this small idea or image of a map you would like to see made and/or forge, unforntatly though that idea of a map could not be made in any forge mode due to the mechanics, palatte, size limitations etc. In case that was confusing I shall say this in a slightly more simple manner: A map you would like to make, but one you can't make with the current forge, or at least something g you want a group of developers to make. Use this thread to post down you dream maps AKA maps you would like to make but unfortunately can't make due to limitations. Here's my idea. A spiritual successor to Blood Gulch and Valhalla. The map would be larger than Valhalla, but smaller than the Halo Reach era Blood Gulch. The bases would be similar to the Valhalla bases, but would have more floors. A river would flow from one point on the North Side between the two bases to a small bay at the south end of the map (a bit like a beach) With a small cave system on the north side. After a small clearing in front of the two bases, there is a forested area, with wide paths for more open combat alongside clearings at different points, whilst the much more dense areas encourage closer quarter combat. Near the centre of the map will be the river, with several bridges of either forerunner design or just simple log bridges spanning it. Though players can run across the river. The river area will have enough space for vehicles to manenover effectively. The same will so to the large paths, allowing infantry and vehicles to engage in open ground. Snipers would find refuge in the more open spaces, the bases and the cliffs near the cave system. If you can guys try and comment on different people's ideas and post your own idea you would like the oppitunity to forge in an improved version of forge.
We can start with the lack of wading water.. Or we can start with the lack of a flat piece of grass.. Or we can start with A BLOCK WITH JUST ONE COLOR.. Or a falcon? [sup]jus' sayin[/sup]
Sadly, that's very true... Damn Certain Affinity and 343. Why aren't they focusing on forge? To be honest, we better hope they check forge out when the sort out there early map packs. EDIT: I did say that the ideas we have could be made in a better forge mode. (If 343 answers our prayers)
The best way for Halo forge to keep with the times is to add a mine craft forging theme were land is totally forgable, and simplify the detailing on pieces please, or give the ability to add texture as well as colour. Far cry 3 forge has some of these features but piece placement isn't good. Piece wise I could have a huge list, main ones would be pillars not the crappy ones we have but real round ones that we see in structure, stairs.... yes in all building structure there are stairs... not ramps. Train tracks , road , cars , trains & things that aesthetically we see in multiplayer matches without having to use too many pieces
This may be a stupid idea but ever since reachs forge world ive been dreaming of a forge world with multiple different terrains, for example a large mountain and part of flat terrain could be snowy, then it joins onto a large section that is lava themed rather like mustafar from star wars, another section that is desert, and a forgeable ocean! one that we can actually implement into our maps. would save the effort of having to produce many different maps with different terrains. also i think weather would be too difficult to implement into forge so they could just add better FX. Who else thinks the ones in halo 4 forge are terrible? They could have one to make it look like night exactly! and another to appear like snow is falling but it fades away as it gets closer to the ground... hell id create the best damn forge pallet if i was on the dev team
Agreed the halo 4 forge maps do leave a lot to be desired. Too small and the space is too contoured. Also the game type option feel very constraining. However, the worst part for me is that all the forge maps came with premade maps on them and yet we are only now seeing one of said maps in matchmaking. It made the default maps get stale very fast to know there were only 4 maps per game type. Rant over As for maps that I would like to make but can't I would like a space based map in the vein of boarding action. Two bases that are ships that can be attacked buy foot or shooting across; however, I would like aerial vehicles to come into play, but not in the normal way of simply being more powerful killing machines. Rather I would like to see them used stratagicly sp to open up areas of the map to foot traffic, or make areas of the map impassible to help defend the foot soldiers. Some thing like that where the banshees or hornets are part of the game but not directly interacting with the normal slayer.
If there was no frame rate lag or object limit I would create a BTB map as detailed as a 2v2. I would make each base and all the neutral buildings uniquely designed with intricate details which just isn't possible on the current xbox/forge. It would take a long time to forge, but god it would look good.
I think the main problems with Certain Ashititty's Forge maps is the terrain and size. All forge maps need to have terrain big enough to make a BTB map using just the terrain. Not to mention Halo 4 is the fastest Halo, everyone has sprint, and everyone uses the DMR long range precision weapon. This means the BTB maps need to be bigger than any previous Halo game. Yet, they are same size and even smaller in some cases!! It just feels like you can't move anywhere on these BTB maps without constantly getting DMR'd in the face and having to immediately take cover. That's ridiculous for Big Team battles. As much as I love Impact... Both asteroids terrain are way too small, yet the map is huge. So dumb, and the one asteroid is mostly taken up by a huge building.
I was guilty of a rant in my post, but I also answered the question. Lets not get off topic by ranting at halo 4