SkyLine Landfall Monolith Source::
Prob not drivable. Most likely just in the background flying around. I'm hoping we get a trailer this Monday.
Please let me keep dreaming Also, I wouldn't see why they couldn't make it drivable... I mean, vehicles are include in the map files, so they could add exclusive vehicles, much like the snow vehicles back on Avalanche in halo 3. I'm also hoping for Skyline to be forgeable, but that's quite unlikely.
I'm really excited for Skyline and Monolith because besides being beautiful, I love the look and theme, as well as both of them being at "night".
nice pics hope they dont turn out to be like crimson dlc, have u seen the players on that gametype, always very very low
An urban set map. I generally love urban settings. Turf, Terminal, and Headlong are some of my favorite maps if not for their awesome layouts then for the awesome urban vibe they have. Definitely looking forward to Skyline.
Screw hornets, I want some updated Falcons. The brute chopper would be nice to see come back as well with a brute styled map. Where's a new forge map! If skyline was designed for forge with an urban style canvas with new urban themed blocks that would be sick!
They said these were going to be competitive maps for the first 3 packs I believe. I wouldn't get your hopes up on a new forge map.
Exactly my thought. Interested in Landfall too, just not as much as those two. The pictures look awesome.
Maybe it's just me, but skyline looks more like concept art than a actual screenshot. Also, landfall reminds me of longshore.
You can tell it's in-game by looking at it more closely. They got the exact vibe from the concept art and that's pretty amazing. Landfall seems too flat to be like longshore, but it might have the same layout, although it certainly won't have the same theme as longshore seems to be located at a passenger terminal and longshore was located at a fish processing factory.
Not that I know of... I think if everyone pitched in money and paid 343 millions of dollars they would add a Falcon back in the game for ya guys. Microsoft would want a large cut though ... other than that you guys can keep dreaming but nothing wrong with Hope.
I hate that they trashed the UNSC air vehicles in H4 multiplayer. There is a Pelican asset in the game though. A stripped down version of it would be pretty awesome for multiplayer.
Yeah I agree. A Falcon or any UNSC air vehicle really adds a lot to custom games as well. As much as I love the Banshee, it doesn't really seem like it fits custom flood gametypes. Where as a Falcon would be more appropriate. Reminds me of the 1978 Dawn of the Dead with the helicopter. So it suits the post-apocalyptic forge maps, which are awesome for flood.
Yea but the key difference between H4 and past Halo's is that there is a usable Pelican variant. Not just an AI driven one. I'm not getting my hopes up by any means, I'm just saying it more than possible with the asset already on the disc.