I'm pretty excited to play this (you are going to invite me to tests). I loved Scythe (I drew it out and have been studying it off and on... I have a problem) and even though I have no idea what this layout is, I'm sure it will be great. What I can tell is that it looks rather beautiful. I'll see you on Halo.
Damn, this map looks gorgeous. It's cleanly forged and I certainly like the floors in the first and second pictures. I don't have may friends who play Halo besides us forgers who are busy at their own maps. But I will check it out if I get the chance. I am still a little confused by the layout though. An overview maybe?
Sorry, I built the map too close to the soft ceiling. I tried to get an overview. I don't use sketch-up either so the only way to really grasp the layout is to download the map. I might try and glitch out of the soft ceiling to get an overview, but it's unlikely.
Np about the soft ceiling PAINTS. I will make sure to give it a download. Just out of curiosity, what pieces did you used for the floor I the first and second pics? You don't have to answer but Im still a rook so Im just curious.
Funnily I was looking into anvils yesterday ha, and forging..fitting. Map has a nice uniform about it and I like the same colour pieces are used symmetrically . Colour can be an issue with pieces looking same and I am glad you have different pieces and colours. How many levels are there to this map?
dat haven. Green room is way too green. Turn some of the blocks back to neutral color, too much green will be distracting. What differences are there between the one you last showed me and this one?
EDIT (2/18/2013) ORIGINAL POST UPDATED WITH NEW PICS AND OVERVIEW Thanks. There are basically only two levels to the map. However, top mid is a bit higher than the second level and bottom mid is a bit lower than the first level. Never too green. PA1NTS maps are known for being colorful so I'm not going to take color away from it. Also, I'm not sure when you playing it last. It doesn't look like it's changed too much since then. EDIT: If you read this Spin, I changed the weapon setup. Damage Boost at Gold, Overshield at Green and Sticky Detonator in bottom middle.
Wait what now? Paints made a symmetrical map? Looks gorgeous and up to your "normal standards". Normal being so freaking awesome I want to spam caps to your glory but wont because mods. Question, in pics 4 and 3 is it possible to jump back and forth between nades and the little center lip?
Yes. Even though you can jump to the middle from the lip also, you can jump on the grenade perches to grab some cover.