Goliath (potential name)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Urban Myth, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Hello again 4chub, I have been struggling to contain myself from posting this map so I decided to appease my desire and at least preview the map. This map is heavily inspired by H2's Colossus and is intended to be a CTF map for larger parties, 6v6 is a good number.





    While I've only been able to test this a few times, my biggest concern seems unfixable (343 gah!). I would love to place the capture point for CTF on the 2nd level of the base, away from the initial flag spawn, however.... 343 takes out the most random of options and the only way to make the flag spawn is to assign the object as, get ready, "CTF_FLAG_RETURN" ....

    Now if you're like me, you may need a second to recover from the repeated facepalms so I will understand if the post doesn't receive comments right away. BUT, if anyone knows of a way to fix this please explain because I would love you forever.
  2. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    which type of item are you trying to set as the flag? Ive never ran into this.
  3. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Essentially, the only gametype options for CTF specifically are; CTF, CTF_FLAG_RETURN, and NO LABLE.

    There is no option for fFLAG_SPAWN so the CTF_FLAG_RETURN acts as a flag spawn as well. The problem is that you HAVE to return the enemy flag where your flag spawns, which I would prefer to be different.
  4. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    use a flag stand and set it as ctf and a cap. plate as flag return. It works for me. I'll be on in a little bit. If you need help please feel free to send me fr or invite me.
    #4 TMR Legend, Feb 16, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2013

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