Hi ya'll it's me again with another update. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a forger by the name of Sinogard Nunitsuj, or Sinonitsuj as my Gamertag says. Not too long ago I release my first ever map pack debuting in Halo 4. if you don't know what I'm talking about click here.. Now I have alluded to in several posts that, that map pack was just the start, even going as far as to say there will be a Silver map pack. So this is the official confirmation. Things are going well and I actually have three prototype maps already finished. Whether or not they will be in the map pack or just be honorable mentions will only be told in time. Now I am still looking for Ideas for maps to build. To help me in this endeavor, I have created a thread here, called the random map generator( (See thread for details). So if you have a crazy map Idea that you want to see done or even just share head on over there and post it. Anything goes really as inspiration isn't definitive. In addition to that I also sought out help from Dax, yes that Dax, for idea's. He and some friends recently did a contest for which the submission deadline has unfortunately passed, but he was kind enough to hook me up with two ideas for a new map anyway. I went into forge and built the prototype. I deviated from his advice slightly once I noticed I was heading for a Halo 3 Guardian-esk remake. So here I am today with two different prototypes name Vengeful Guardian. BtB Style Map - Dominion Supported 4v4 Style Map - Dominion Supported So which one do you like the most? Answer the poll above and leave your vote. That got you hungering for more? Well good. Here's some pictures of a more finalized map known only as city. Looks really good right? Well it plays 2v2 fantastically and can even play 3v3. But I think we all can agree that city is a pretty bland name and well doesn't fit the map entirely. It's more like a plaza than a city. So I ask you what do I call this thing? That's right you get to vote for the name. Here's how we're going to do this. If you have an Idea for the name of the map post it below. I then select the ones I like and put them into a post with a poll and you all can vote on it. The deadline for this is march 1st. So what can you expect from this map pack? Well aside from an amazing time, you can look forward to maps built around dominion, a previously unsupported game type. The maps will once again come in 3 sizes. Small (3v3 to 2v2) Medium (4v4 to 5v5) and Large, (6v6 to 8v8). The maps will continue to support the rest of the game types save for Extraction (Coming in Gold). Thank you all for reading! I hope youliked what you saw here today and hope many of you will continue to follow me as I bring you more fantastic updates on the Silver Map Pack. Have a good weekend, S.N.
I like both versions of Vengeful Guardian. I'd have to have a hop around both of them to make a firm decision.
The BTB map needs many more alternative options for vehicles to travel around. Right now, it's just a big open circle. The 4v4 looks like a two-tier donut. Create some more height variation and some subtle changes so the map doesn't just consist of two relatively flat levels. I like this one better than the BTB. Reserving judgment on the last map; the overhead just looks like a bunch of 4x4 blocks to me, so I can't make anything out.
For sure things need to be adjusted on both Vengeful Gaurdian prototypes. The maps shown are only in their infancy and will change as time goes one. I appreciate your feedback and will take some extra care when I come back to the map to add more height variation. I have some ideas on how to combat this already but am always open to suggestions. The point of the thread is to see where I should spend my time in the coming weeks. so I can spend my time wisely. As for the last one I agree the top down view does not do it justice and 3 pics is not enough. but I'll release more when the map is closer to completion. [br][/br]Edited by merge: man internet you are not making my "job" easy. Just so you all know the poll is on several different sites and I just added them up and we are exactly even, with no votes on the "neither one" option... So get your freinds to vote. also check this out. If everything works out you might see one of these maps or something new.