Hello again, I'm back with my second map, Purlieu. Purlieu (pronounced Purr-loo) is a urban map on Erosion made for 4-12 players. I supports Slayer/Non-Objective Gametypes, CTF, KOTH, and Oddball. This map has no true inspiration, just based around the idea of modern/futuristic urban district. I incorporated a lot of tactical jumps and ways to traverse the maps from both the floor and the buildings. Since the map's budget was moderate, I went to town with urban aesthetics, such as tables, lamp posts, and a forklift (thanks to Fenix Hulk for the design). Perlieu TS - YouTube Interesting to note, the center fountain can serve as a lift to any of the four balconies when thruster pack is used. Another example of using the thruster pack from the fountain. Feel free to leave a comment.
Dammit man. Did you just come out of the wood work with some boss maps or something? You've somehow managed to make the hideous Erosion palette look nice. Many props for that.
Holy **** I love it! That, EVERYTHING! Ermgehrd... This really does look stunning. If I am ever online (GT: crypocalypse), just send me a message/friend request and Ill be sure to help test. (just say in the message that its about the urban map otherwise Ill think its another random person)
I think this might have some small framerate issues when overlooking the center piece but overall this is one of the best looking erosion map i have seen. If not the best
Well, I have to agree with Organite and Cryppy on this one, you made it look absolutely fantastic! I love the way the pieces all seem to work together so well, even on the Erosion pallete. My only thought was that you should add more crates and/or obstacles on the ground floor for better cover, and just to make it feel not quite so open down there? Thats if you have much left in pieces that you can use?
Damn this map looks badass. Would have never had thought that Erosion would look so good. Great job! Look forward to seeing more.
Will do. I'm joining a testing lobby tonight at 10:00, so I'll invite you when I'm on. That goes for anyone else too, feel free to message me when I test this. Which part specifically? I have Halo installed to my xbox so I haven't noticed much. I'm going to test first to see if I need to. The goal was to make players take to the buildings, and then they will realize there are as many paths above them as there are below. It was for gameplay mechanics. If it is an issue though, I have some scenery pieces i can use. Thanks to all for the kind words, much appreciated after a long overdue return to the hub. And don't worry, there's four more on the way in the coming days, and three more in progress, so stay tuned.
I've checked out both maps and didn't care for the layout of the first one even though the map was pretty. This map however I think has a lot of potential. This map looks like it would play pretty well but I don't know if it would support 6v6 (12 players). What really sells your map here is your "fountain" and the building in your third image. That building is molded very well with a very strong urban feel. I noticed you also added the wire to the grav lift. Stuff like that I've done as well and really makes it more than just a grav lift. It took me a minute to figure out how you made the fountain then it hit me, rounded inclines with a golf hole inside, topped with dish antennas and a pipe. The added green light is what makes it look so pretty. Either way it is a very nice touch. If it wasn't so pretty people on here would probably be dissing it saying it's useless unless you use thruster pack, and that's a no-no. I think it's fine and hardly anyone uses thrusters so more power to the people that do. Jet packers get enough fame as it is anyways. Aesthetics is what draws people in and you have some good aesthetics here. The layout looks like a lot of fun but very overlooked by my previous comment'ers. Pretty maps can hide shitty gameplay for awhile but this is not the case here. I think this map would play pretty well and would love to get some competitive games going on in this map. If you want me to record some great competitive games on this, be sure to sign up with TCOJ in the forge customs lobbies. Great job overall, but I think if those two pieces didn't exist the map wouldn't of got the attention it did. That and your images are very crisp and detailed.
This was exactly my thought process. Your other map looks like a bunch of blocks. This one looks more like a map. If possible, try to add some shallow height variation to the bottom floor. The ramps can serve as a memory aid ("Oh, I was here, there was this ramp." rather than "BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS EVERYWHERE!") and also add some variety to encounters on the bottom floor, so they're not all flat, z-axis-less fights.
I have to say, some of the buildings you have created look like they were prefab structures, they're just so cleanly forged. You have a really interesting piece usage too. Ill have to check this out.
Sad but true. I did not, however, add that to the design as a "bait" for people. I design the map with feature and function, and aspire to make something look as good as it plays. Its a balancing act, really. I'm glad you like the map though and believe it will play good. I planned on joining TCOJ last week but was a little to busy to join. I'll be sure to sign up for the upcoming game, and will be extremely grateful for a gameplay video To each his own, I suppose. I'm not forcing you to like my maps. I like your foresight into problems I found need tweaking. After testing I planned to have the street lower into Red Base, and lower Red Base itself so the tower isn't as imposing as it was before. Red base needs more ways out so I'm going to add another route to the left side so Reds don't feel trapped. Thanks to all for the kind comments and thank you to those that helped test the map.
Excellent map bro. You did what I didn't think I would see... make a beautiful map on Erosion outside and utilizing the area with dynamic lighting. Not only is it beautiful aesthetically, but it looks like it is a lot of fun to play on as well. I am not positive, but some of the lighting I see not appearing till I walk up close a certain distance. This happens as the first step to broken lighting. Some Silo(s) on Impact do this anyway regardless. So, I don't know if it's just half broken lighting or the forge pieces... but it's still 100% playable anyway and doesn't really affect the map in a negative way. Probably because it only does that in a couple areas I noticed? Someone mentioned framerate issues, which I noticed too... However, that is only in Forge. Sometimes maps will have framerate drops in Forge but not in actual matches (war/custom games). I guess some forge only objects can cause it because I have seen it before. However, it doesn't matter because it's in forge. If there is a slight framerate drop, it is not worth making an issue over because it might just be upstairs on that side of the map where the SAW is, when looking over the balcony with the rest of the map in view. But I can't even be sure it was framerate because it's barely noticeable (like one second drop and back to normal). That's if it's even there, I'm currently on a small monitor for this week. The only other thing I noticed was those same stairs that lead to the SAW, there seems to be a couple spots in one section (halfway up the stairs) that activate a soft kill barrier timer. I didn't go back into forge to see the barrier but I guess it is touching somewhere in the map. Anyhow, keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing any future maps you whip up.
Thanks for the praise man, appreciate it. I can't say I've noticed the lighting being screwy, but I did notice the framerate drop in Forge like you said. As for the kill barrier, thanks a bunch. Didn't notice, but will fix as soon as possible.
Yeah I see a lot of talent in you. Many experienced forgers on here are real hardasses and shutdown almost anybody new that might offer some great maps. They have a lot of experience in forge but not much talent. You sir, got talent! Talented people on here not only make great playing maps, but their map is beautiful and follows a theme. Rather than just some blocks forged together to make an arena with no real meaning behind it other than to serve good gameplay. That's not much talent, just experience in forging.
No Problem, actually now that I think about it some more...it is probably just the Erosion lighting itself that has this issue. I remember around one of the entrances to the grifball court I put some rocks to block off some of the doorway but the lighting did that on those rocks and in the area.
Alright guys, I've done some testing over the weekend and found that there is a frame-rate issue from the back of Red and Blue Spawns; most likely the cause of a high object count. That will be released in a later version, but an updated version is in my fileshare. Updates: - Red Spawn lowered in height - Street to Red Base lowered - Kill boundaries updated - Ramp to Glass Hallway From Red Base - Evening of spawning/Reduction of spawn trapping I am really honored, I lack the words to describe it. It makes me very happy to see an esteemed member such as yourself giving such a remark of me, and being somewhat new to the Halo 4 scene here, it gives me a lot of enthusiasm in that what I am doing is appreciated and that as a forger I have shown worth despite being "new". Thanks a ton Fenix, really appreciate it.