Greetings everyone, I wanted to drop off some screens of the now finished Titan. Titan supports the newest variant for the 2v2 Dust up contest. UPDATE: This map has been restored to it's original glory since 343i has patched the dynamic lighting issues in the last Title Update, the map with all the original Forged pieces is available for download from my fileshare, gamertag: Shadowcat AZ The screenshots currently being shown are before the TU was applied. A bit of color for the map, Titan is constructed from an asteroid in the Impact asteroid field, designed to be an Orbital MAC Platform, Titan offers a medium sized symmetrical layout for 2v2 CQB. Some new pictures: Thanks for having a look.
That's a nice-looking MAC you got there. It might be good to put up an overhead shot - hard to get a sense of the layout from these fairly close-up pics.
Yup. This version looks, to be honest, a lot better then the previous version. The previous version had an bit of an basic layout. And that MAC looks awesome! But as stated before a overhead shot would be nice.
I still need to look at this in forge. From what I see, it all looks rather good, though the screens aren't great for viewing that layout.
suggestion... if you want to bring the lighting back (and I think it would look amazing on this map) try replacing some of your struts with something that costs less lighting budget. I can already tell that some of the aesthetics would suffer as a result, but maybe improved lighting would more than compensate for it? I really like the look of this.
Ok, i will try to fix it. Updated: The dynamic lighting issue has been repaired with only a minor hit to the asthetics. The newest version is on my fileshare with the dynamic lighting fix as Titan. Edited by merge: UPDATED: The dynamic lighting issues that were addressed by 343i have allowed this map to be seen with all of the original Forged pieces. The map can be downloaded from my fileshare, Gamertag: Shadowcat AZ Note that the screenshots that are being shown are before the TU was applied.