Hi guys, I just wanted to say I am very interested in joining this community because I simply like to Forge. I have made a few maps myself (Halo Reach and Halo 4) and honestly need improvement myself all around. I want to be able to create awesome maps for everyone to enjoy and have fun on. Possibly get some tips and help on what I can do to make things alittle better. I have been looking into this site for a little while to see if I wanted to join and well here I am now. Im looking forward to seeing and getting help from the advance members to possibly train me in the arts of Forging. I am about creating cool looking smooth maps so that they run smoothly and not glitchy.
Hi, welcome aboard! Always glad to see a new face. If you need any help with anything, look for a staff member (a guy with a non-gray name - like mine, which you'll note is shiny red) and hit us up with a private message.
Hi KoH, I'm new here too and also new to Forging maps. There is a ton of talent and tips to be found in these threads. Looking forward to seeing your stuff!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, Im looking foward to creating maps and learning alot from the vertern forgers here on the site. I might find this community better than my clan since I disbanded from them for being down right mean to me.
Welcome to the Hub Here's a good read: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/69300-new-forge-hub-all-information-here.html#post856202