Remake Moonbase Alpha

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Given To Fly, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Hello there, I bring you... Orbital! This is not the version that was submitted for Forgotten Treasures, this is a completely revamped version. I went through the entire map finding, deleting, and replacing high frame-rate items. This map plays so much better than it originally had! There is no more frame-rate lag. After replacing a tremendous amount of items, I finally got the original lighting to return. I still however used the delay spawn lighting glitch to remove any remaining lag. In fact, here's a checklist of updates.
    • Replaced many high frame-rate causing objects.
    • Enabled lighting glitch to all items possible.
    • Set up the map to play with all gametypes, excluding extraction and dominion.
    • Removed ordinance drops and made all weapons placed on map. (With original respawn times).
    • Took a second look at aesthetics and overall made the map feel more "clean".
    • Spaced out top hallway a little more to not feel as cramped.
    Of course I wouldn't have perfected the map without help from Mickraider; aka Vincent Torre!

    But enough about the details, enjoy some mediocre pictures of the map :)







    Rocket Launcher / Spare Clips = 1 / 120 Sec Respawn
    Sniper Rifle / Spare Clips = 1 / 120 Sec Respawn​

    Battle Rifle / Quantity = 7
    Suppressor / Quantity = 2
    Plasma Pistol / Quantity =2
    Storm Rifle / Quantity = 1
    Plasma Grenades / Quantity = 6
    Pulse Grenades / Quantity = 2​

    • The Suppressor was added to replicate the spikers from Halo 3.
    • Storm Rifle replaces the Plasma Rifle from Halo 3.
    • Pulse Grenades are placed to replicate the power drainer effect from Halo 3.
    • All weapons are placed in original Halo 3 locations.
    • The Mauler was not included in this remake because the boltshot is too much.
    And there you have it, my remake of Halo 3's Orbital. Completely revamped and updated! I recommend re-downloading if you have the old version. This new ones perfect :)

    2v2 Dust-up Version:

    Essentially the same map but with a few tweaks.
    • Added a Regenerator field AA just outside each base in original Halo 3 location.
    • Added a Boltshot to replace the Mauler from Halo 3. (90 sec. respawn / 0 spare clips.)
    • Added a small rail to incorporate a tactical jump-up from Sniper to Rocket spawn.

    Let me know what you think!
    #1 Given To Fly, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    John Madden
  3. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very well done my friend. I didn't read the words i just stared at the screenshots and went O-o orbital? Sure enough thats what it was. I am very glad to see this map, keep up the good work.
  4. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    I haven't downloaded the new version but the previous was beautiful. Loved it. Truely crafted with passion as a remake should. Good job.
  5. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    I can only imagine what a tricky remake this was to build, but I'm guessing it was quite difficult. I really liked Orbital, one of my top maps in H3. Amazingly well done, thanks.
  6. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Thank you kind sirs! It means a lot considering this map was 2 months worth of hard work. So much work was poured into this to optimize gameplay! I cannot stress that enough.

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