I need help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by charliezulublue, May 22, 2008.

  1. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i asked 1 person to help me post but he wouldnt if any1 has free time and feels genourus could u help me post a map.?^.^ i read the guide and its over my head:):):):confused::confused::confused::surprise::surprise::surprise::surprise:
  2. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    if posting a map is over your head then I wonder what the maps like:]
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    lmao ^^

    To post a map you need to have a brief description of the map.Recommeneded gametypes.Then u need pictures of the mapEmmbedded Pictures not links because everyone here is lazy basically then u must post it in the right map section forum nd there you go hopfully it helped
  4. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not really thnks anyway could any1 do it 4 me
  5. Halfspeed

    Halfspeed Ancient
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    sooner or later you are going to learn to do it yourself. you can't always have someone else do it. the only reason why you should have someone else do it is if you windows live I.D is not working.
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Hi im charliezulublue,im really lazy and cant be bothered doing a very simple task despite the fact ive obviously gone to the trouble of making a map.

    ...Okay that didnt come out as funny as id thought it would...meh.
    I honestly dont get how tis conplicated its not.


    Option 1
    1. Upload your map and gametype and click "publish to forums
    2. Copy-paste the link to your map and gametype respectively.
    Option 2
    1. Do same as before except instead of simply copy pasting,make it look better by typing.
    [.url=copy-paste your address to map/gametype here]Put zippy text here eg title of map/gametype[./url]

    Take out the fullstops and your good to go.Now that really wasnt too bloody hard was it?

    1. Play a game on your map(tricky innit?)
    2. Go to theatre and take pictures(again tricky)
    3. Go to your bungie account(make sure its linked with your GT(Easy as pie to do btw)
    4. Go into your screenshots and make sure to enlarge them
    5. save the enlarged ones to your computer
    6. Go Here and make an account
    7. Upload each pic into your "album"
    8. Copy-paste the tag under your pic with the ""'s at the start and end of it into your map post.
    Was that really hard or complicated?Half of it is explained on
    the site itself

    Other stuff
    Just through in a description of the map,including maybe
    1. How it plays
    2. the weapons included
    3. any unique features
    4. what gametypes it supports
    5. Any random gibberish...erm i mean storyline
    Its really not that hard to understand.Nothing i posted there was complicated and im pretty sure you already knew half the stuff (copy-pasting for example)
    No ones gonna post your map for you as fast as make your map for you :S....

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