Rat Trap Rat Race Remake From Halo:CE. Updated Weapons and Spawns. Supports all gametypes. Built by Vincent Torre. To Download: Start -> File browser -> Map variants -> Fileshare search -> "Vincent Torre" Forged by: MickRaider Gametypes: All gametypes supported Recommended: CTF, Infinity Slayer, Dominion, Extraction, Grifball, Flood, Regicide Supports 2-10 players. Up to 8 Teams. Description: Rat Race is a map that is very nostalgic to me, and as such I've decided yet again to bring it back into Halo. I got measurements during the Halo 3 era, but didn't build a version till Halo: Reach. Eventually it made it into the Team Classics Playlist. I hopefully improved upon that one. Especially with a major overhaul of the cave area. I did a few modifications to the weapons (changing them to Ordnance Drop instead). I also added in more than 2 teams of spawns, and made it compatible with all Halo 4 default gametypes. If that's not good enough for you there's also a Classic version which has all original spawn locations and weapons. [mouseoverimage=http://mickraider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Rat-Trap-OH-labeled-th1.png]http://mickraider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Rat-Trap-OH-th2.png[/mouseoverimage] *Mouseover to view Weapon spawns and Teleporter connections* Weapon List: [weapon] / [number on map] / [respawn time] Initial Pistol / 1 / 180 Assault Rifle / 2 / Never Storm Rifle / 1 / Never Needler / 1 / 180 Sticky Launcher / 1 / Never Shotgun / 1 / Never Plasma Grenades / 1 / Initial / 180 Frag Grenades / 1 / Initial / 180 Random Shotgun / Scattershot / 1 Sticky Launcher / Saw / 1 Storm Rifle / Assault Rifle / Supressor / 2 Videos: EVO KoTH on Rat Trap (Halo 1 Rat Race) - YouTube Pictures: The iconic Barrier. Unfortunately the Covenant Shield isn't in forge More: Spoiler Red Base: Cave Teleporter: Yellow Teleporter Room (Sticky Launcher): Blue Base: Cave Entry: Green hallway: Hourglass: Ramp to Red Base: Ramp to Red Base from Green: Overshield and Shotgun: Towards Blue Spawn Thanks for checking my map out. I'm open to constructive criticism and comments.
It really is a shame that nobody has commented on this. In fact, I'm surprised. This is well made! My memories are fuzzy on the original map (and CE multiplayer in genreal) but this certainly feels like Rat Race. That is, it feels like Rat Race when I run around on it alone. I need to play customs on it so I know it feels like Rat Race! I bet it does. This map deserves more posts, and hopefully it will get them now. I don't want it to suffer the same fate my thread is.
I never played the original but this looks well done. Nice work, if I get a chance to play it I will comment some more.
Finally played this a bit with some friends, amazing job. It brought back a ton of nostalgia and thanks to your unique vision, it has evolved from an aesthetic point of view. Great work.
Edit: HAHA! I thought I was posting on this in it's Halo 5 thread. Well, same applies. Tried to delete this but can't find out how. Now I'm off to find the Halo 5 version post to comment on that fantastic map! Very clean, excellently reproduced map. Plays very well with Strongholds and is also fun with Swat and Oddball.