Dax, Goat, and Spin's Contest: Submissions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dax, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Post your submissions for Dax, Goat, and Spin's Map Sketch Contest here. This thread is for submissions only. The deadline to submit your entry is February 13th at 11:59pm CST. Please use the following template when posting your submission:

    Name of map: [Optional]
    Constraints: [A summary stated in general terms]
    Picture(s): [Minimum of one picture for your sketch/model]
    Additional Notes: [Any notes not included in your picture(s) that are needed to help explain your sketch/model. Can include position of lifts, trait zones, etc.]

    *Note: A scale of some sort is highly recommended in order to properly interpret the design relative to Forge*


    Your entry will be scored out of 50 total points, broken down into these four categories:
    • Creativity [x/15]​
    • Map Design [x/15]​
    • Trueness to parameters given [x/10]​
    • Ability to understand sketch/model [x/10]​
    We hope you all had as much fun participating in this contest as we did. Thanks for all the support from everyone, we couldn't have done this otherwise. Looking forward to all the great submissions!​
    #1 Dax, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A+ for effort? I don't have sketch-up. lol. I forged the map. It looks better in game than on paper.
    #2 PA1NTS, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Name of map: Safety First

    Constraints: 4 buildings, at least 2 floors high. A sewer allowing players to traverse underneath the map.



    Additional Notes:

    Black shading: no access, walled off

    Grey shading: areas not on the level of the sketch (e.g on the 1st floor of the top right building, the shaded area is the ground flood, leaving a balcony overlooking the centre of it.
    Light grey shading: on the same level but a different hight. Only used on the ground floor of the bottom left building. (1/2 a unit higher in this case)

    Arrow: direction of incline

    Dotted line: under the current level (not worth having own sketch drawn up)

    Note: there is a misuse of the dotted line in the sketch of the 2nd floor. This is in fact the edge of the building where there is no wall, giving a very open area to combat the height advantage.

    Note: for a sense of scale, all inclines and platforms between buildings are two units wide so the smallest building is 6x10 units.

    This is a 4v4 map with a building site theme comprised of 4 buildings. There are two floors on the three largest buildings and 3 floors on the small building. The streets will be tight and dangerous with a power weapon in the middle, possibly rockets. A sewer runs from one building to the one opposite. Another weapon could sit in there. Walkways allow players to traverse from building to building without having to drop down to the ground floor. I am hoping this makes the map seem a lot more vertical and improves spawning. Teams will spawn in the bottom left and top right buildings on the bottom floor. This area will also serve as their bases for CTF.
    #3 Elliot, Feb 1, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Name of map: "Fat Kid by highway9, dreaddraco2, boomerdude, ♥ Sky and RST"
    Constraints: 20x20 units | Zipline

    Additional Notes: I forgot to mention that the shaded areas are solid walling. Additionally, the center area on the bottom and middle views are the same. EDIT: I added in the red walling as solid walling blocking the LoS between the lower and upper floor while also seperating the two inclines. The green lines represent windows looking from the upper levels to the lower ones. EDIT NUMBAH 2: The topmost windows are of such a width that one can not view the level below when looking through them from the top. EDIT NUMBAH 3: Actually, ignore the green. EDIT NUMBAH 4: **** it, sketched it.
    #4 Auburn, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  5. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name of map: Grip
    Constraints: I needed to have a power weapon/location accessible by 3 tactical jumps. The map also needed to be inspired by rooftops, with jumps and lifts/cannons being ways of traversing the map.
    Picture(s): [​IMG]
    Additional Notes: The two gray squares in the first photo are 4x4.
    Yellow circle is a power weapon, Most likely a rail gun. Black circle is ammo for starting weapons, ex BR or AR. Cyan circle is a grav lift. I unfortunately ran into a bit of sketchers block and did not entirely complete the sketch.
    #5 suffocation49, Feb 5, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2013
  6. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Name of map: Crazy 88
    Constraints: Includes letters L, P, and U, has at least 5 levels, and supports/includes ground vehicles.
    Additional Notes: Lift belongs at bottom of shaft that leads to highest level. Scale is ~4 forge units for the width of the bridges. Oh, and it should be enclosed, or at least have walls. Left them out for the most part so you can see the sketch. And the big pillar in the middle should be killzoned on top. Not intended as a playable surface.
    #6 WhackyGordon, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Project_Geminurf

    - The green and orange areas are inspired by Gemini.
    - The red and blue areas are inspired by Turf.
    - The rock in the water is my "isolated" location.


    Additional Notes: So i was going to have a much better version edited in GIMP, but I ran out of time. I know the deadline has been extended 1 day, but I still won't have the extra time. Instead, here's this simpler version. The two bases were designed around the area of Turf where you could use crates to jump on the "cubbies" of 3 damaged buildings. The big red alley along with the blue sides were inspired by the "streets" of Turf where you could take the high ground on the sides and fire down on people in the streets. The whole middle area is basically a replica of Gemini except instead of a tree, it's a statue (which was on Gemini too) of some sort. The idea for the open, circular area by the water came from the outside portion of Gemini, it's much different than it was there though.
    #7 Skisma, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Name of map: Ractron

    Additional Notes:
    The height between the two levels is about 2 Spartans so it's a pretty decent size. There would obviously be some more crates and stuff around for cover in the open areas. One grav lift in the hole in the top left corner of image five going directly to the central tower. Another two grav lifts would be on the end of each landing platform going to the central tower. Power weapons would be a shotgun around the first grav lift mentioned, needler in the other corner without a plaform, sniper on the low platform, concussion rifle on the high platform, and sticky detonator on the central platform. I think all that would work but it's been a long time since I designed anything especially this size.
    #8 pyro, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
  9. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Name : Legend

    Constraints : My map had to have an Dual-Atrium layout (Thanks for the explenation Goat* :) and a detrimental trait zone wich would be traversable in some kind of way.
    *Also for the inspiration, I studied the Quake map given as an example.


    Thanks Pyro and Whackygordon for explaining how to do convert the Adobe file, put it on here.

    Additional Notes :

    To late : Well.. It looks like I can not read, because i thought I was already to late 4 hours ago. Thanks Auburn, for proving me wrong :p

    Legend-a : I hope the Legenda covers up for the explenation of some things in the map, feel free to ask anything of course though. (If it doesn't i will explain it in words)

    (Detrimental) trait zone : The map has two detrimental trait zones, wich slowly drain your health while you are in it and disable armor ability (No jetpacking up) These also have gravity volumes, stacked to bring you up.. In this case, to an power weapon wich is only accessible if you go through this trait zone. This is an case of risk and reward, later in the game. You are more vulnerable to shots, its very open, and your health is being drained. The weapons will likely be Rocket Launchers.
    A Normal trait zone will probally cover the whole map, to increase speed and tweak other things so you can play this map with 4v4 regular.

    Scale : The detrimental trait zone in the bottom left (See legend-a for the trait zone look) is probally going to be 5x5.. And the incline above it is a 2x2.

    That,s it, I will forge this tommorow. Had fun making the sketch, probally will be fun to forge it too.
    Hope to see some more submissions stream in, I remember alot of enthusiasm for this contest.. and alot of participants.
    Also Hope to see everyone,s map forged.. Would make this contest even more interesting.

    EDIT : Actually quite important. The bridge, first sketch, bottom middle and next to the two ravines (Kill-areas) doesn`t show that it is going up with an arrow. It should.. Exactly like this (Put it on the bridge in your mind :p) : <
    Stupid mistake. I guess it would work both ways, but that is what I would have wanted.
    #9 SpartanPeter, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  10. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Name of map:
    Not yet decided.

    1)Include four tiers, with a central lift taking you from the bottom tier to the top tier.
    2)Include at least two dead ends.

    Note: One grid square represents the equivalent dimensions of a 2x2 Forge block.

    Tier One - A balcony with underground tunnels.
    Level 0 = Light Grey
    Level 1 = Brown
    Level 2 = Dark Red
    Level 3 = Green
    Solid Wall = Black
    Upwards Incline = Up Arrow

    Tier Two - Where teams spawn. Missing from the bottom of the sketch is a vehicle-only teleport that brings the Ghost to Tier 3. Also missing are pillars acting as LoS-blockers. Damn, I was tired when drawing this!
    Level 4 = Dark Blue
    Level 5 = Light Blue
    Level 6 = Purple

    Tier Three and Four - The grey rectangle at the top of this sketch is a drop-down hole to Ghost spawn. Tier 4 cannot be accessed from any of the outer walkways; only access is centre lift.
    Level 7 = Orange
    Level 8 = Red
    Level 9 = Green
    Level 10 (Tier 4) = Yellow
    Man-Cannon Paths = Wavy Arrows

    Apologies for the shoddy pictures, and thank you for extending the deadline.

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