Memento By Noooooch Description: An asymmetrical room based map. Player Count: 4-8 players Current Gametypes: Slayer, KotH, Oddball, Extraction Central Atrium Another view of the Central Atrium Red Room Blue Room Green Room Gold Hall EVO Regicide FFA on Momento by Noooooch - YouTube *Note - Both these videos are of the BETA versions and have since been updated. Initial Ordnance: Damage Boost x 1 / 90s Sniper Rifle x 1 / 120s Railgun x 1 / 120s Overshield x 1 / 90s
This is a very clean map, very simple which I like, far too many maps have too many clutter and complexity. Simple and clean, very nice 8/10
Memento v2 Update - Sniper and Railgun now spawn via Initial Ordnance (Snipe at 120, Railgun at 120) - Lowered Damage Boost Initial Drop Timer to 90s - Replaced One Way Shield Door Lifts with Tac Jumps - Removed Jet Pack - Added Frag x2 - Added tac jumps in the middle atrium - Tweaked Extraction Hill Sizes - Added a Carbine - Fixed Trait Zone - Minor weapon adjustments - Edited Man Cannon
Not that I know of. I basically replaced the Jet Pack with 2 Tac Jumps to top gold. I liked the functionality of a Jet Pack as well, but the tac jumps cater to everyone and not just one player.
V3 Update -Moved Sniper from Gold to Middle Catwalk (previous DB spawn) -Moved DB to Red Room, 90s -Added Overshield to Blue Room, 90s -Increased Railgun respawn time to 150s -Moved Blue Initial Spawns to Blue/Green Corner -Moved Red Initial Spawns to Red/Gold Corner -Minor weapon adjustments
Nice map. I like asymmetrical. I'd like to see a high overview of the entire map. My only qualm is in your catwalk rooms. Someone up high has anyone on the ground dead to rights. Not only is there no cover on the bottom of the green room but it's big and if you get caught in the middle you might as well lay down cuz you're not gonna make it to a door. It's also a long way up from the bottom going taking the ramps in the NEXT ROOM. I would consider a quick way from bottom to top to help even out the fight a little. It could honestly use more cover all over with the rooms being so large and open. It looks to easy to just wait out a firefight and come in and mop up everyone with downed shields. Other than that, looks well put together. It's on my DL list.
Congrats on the sticky, noooch. I'm assuming it won the monthly FHF. I can tell a lot of work has been put into this. 15/10