Hello, My name is AppallingRain53. Before I had Halo 4, I've been playing Halo 1 PC for 4 years, so playing Halo 4 is a big jump with all the new, unknown maps, weapons, and characters. I play loads of custom games everyday, along with being a new forger on Halo. I'm a huge Halo fan and pretty much almost have all the Halo MegaBloks sets except the really expensive and appalling ones like the Forward unto Dawn (I actually had a choice between getting an Xbox along with Halo 4, or Forward unto Dawn, and I chose Xbox with Halo 4). Well I hope I get to know some of you guys. Have an appalling day, AppallingRain53
Their suppose to be. Thats why the maps and gametypes are called always "Appalling [name of map/gametype]".