Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, gents. Here's mine:

    Longest Yard by Fenix Hulk - except for maybe adding a few more railings, I believe this is ready to release. It's just fun and chaotic and awesome. Binary rifle is indeed an improvement over sniper - slower ROF, harder to no-scope.

    Mech Bay by Fenix Hulk - The concept of this is a great one and I think the map design is really suited to what you're trying to pull off. I'd suggest some minor tweaks to the gametype, because it seemed like the same settings as what we played on Longest Yard and I felt it wasn't quite as good in this context. I'd suggest turning off infinite AA use; the constant thrusting (er...) made it incredibly hard to kill each other during infantry battles, and made it so that mantises were only slightly more powerful than guys on foot, since they could thrust right past you and end up riding your mech before you could even attempt to turn around. That change alone might be sufficient. For a really unique map idea, this was a great first test.

    Interchange by LEE C G - I too am running out of things to say. Fun map and the gauss hogs are working so well on it. You can rattle off a killing frenzy with a good driver and gunner, but you can also get taken out without even firing a single shot if the other team uses cover and plasma pistols smartly.

    Congealed by me- I was pretty disgruntled with that first test. 3v3 is too many people, the teams were uneven in a noticeable way, and CTF is probably not the best gametype for the map because there's just not much real estate. It might work with a much shorter flag reset timer and only 4 players though. 2v2 Oddball was far better, but I think the map's real strength is going to be 1v1 and 2v2 slayer.

    Cyborg - in answer to your question, there's a substantial chunk underneath the map that is sealed off and inaccessible. It's a room with pipes running through it that you can't get into.

    Promenade by Cyborg - I really liked how this was built and how it played. I didn't especially notice the Boardwalk influence; now that I reflect on it I can see it, but it doesn't immediately strike me as a Boardwalk remake or anything, just moderately similar in design. It played well and was sized pretty reasonably for just 2v2, so obviously it's not as spacious as Boardwalk. In response to your questions - should the long hallways up top be more open, less campy, etc. I didn't have any problems with them in this game, at least. They seemed pretty well balanced with strengths and vulnerabilities. Should they have a hole to drop down to the underside, similar to in the original boardwalk? I don't hate that idea. Would like to see it, at least. Should I make the initial and weapon spawns totally symmetrical or should I keep them diagonal/staggered across the map? I think I would prefer them to be symmetrical, personally. Staggering them limits how well the map will play for some gametypes.

    Mobilize by Cyborg - I'm really going to need to play this 4v4 before I can assess it, really. 2v2 was clearly not the right team sizes for it, and I was getting exasperated by this point because I felt constantly teamed up on by you two and your never-ending flow of power weapons and mantises. :) I will say that the map didn't seem cavernous even with only 4 players, so your aim to have a 4v4 map with vehicles is probably going to work out here. The design seemed good and I was able to use vehicles effectively, when I got in them. I only didn't care for a few things - 1. The rocket room seemed very cut off from the rest of the map and I kept having a hard time getting there when I saw the rocket ordnance indicator pop up. But that could just be unfamiliarity with the layout. 2. The mancannons going to that balcony adjacent to the rocket room - they never killed me but they may kill someone eventually, because the landing pad is small and mancannons suck. Maybe try widening that platform? 3. The snipers spawning across from each other is not my favorite thing. I'd spawn them a little lower down - if players want to run up there and snipe each other, cool, but I don't like the idea of getting sniped while trying to grab my own team's sniper. Good teams will just rock the other team's sniper rush, then jetpack over there and end up with both snipers AND the mantis, and it will quickly get out of control.

    Jade by Audience - Release it, yo. I like the new addition to the upstairs walkway. This map plays really well.

    Opal - Agreed on the death pit (I have yet to play that map without suiciding once or twice) and on the hallway of power. If you have a flaw as a map designer, Audience, it's that some of your maps tend to be dominated by a single elevated position that turns into tug-o-war, and that happened in this game in a big way. I actually got an overkill in a 2v2 game because I rushed that top hallway, killed both Cyborg and Hulk; they insta-spawned nearby and jetpacked up to attack me, and I killed both of them again. That all happened fast enough for an overkill, which is crazy. Partly that's due to the map's small size and the regrettable effect of instant respawn on smaller maps, but it's also partly due to the fact that all we did for 75% of that game was battle over that corridor. Of your two current projects, I think Jade is better balanced right now.

    Octave - I'm nearly ready to release this, or submit it for the 2v2 contest (can't quite decide which). It's a bit spacious for 2v2 but people are drawn to the middle so much that it doesn't play that way. I am making one slight alteration - I'm elevating the middle platform by about half a unit to break up a couple lines of sight from the sides, and to made that entire middle level just a bit less flat.
  2. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think my crappy playing might affect people’s views of some maps. A map might seem unbalanced with me in it, whereas it would seem balanced with a player of suitable skill. Thanks Nutduster for hanging in there with me. You have to admit, I was getting pretty good at distracting our adversaries for you so you could swoop in from a different angle. That’s my contribution to our strategy.

    Longest Yard by Fenix Hulk - This was definitely not Halo gameplay. It’s amazing that you can get Halo to completely play like a different game. I think the speed needs to be reduced a bit, but I think I heard that mentioned during the game. I had a lot of fun dying over and over and over. I understand that there's a good reason not to have too many railings, but there was one teleporter exit in particular that I immediately fell to my death after coming out of it several times. I liked the map though and think it’s a cool concept.

    Mech Bay by Fenix Hulk – I loved the arena you created. It really seemed like a giant mech fighting warehouse. I didn’t even notice it was constructed of forge objects while we were playing. I’d like to see some different permutations of the power of the on-foot players versus the Mantis drivers, but overall I had a blast. I’d slow down the on-foot speed to make it a little less chaotic.

    Interchange by LEE C G – I was happy to see the game didn’t stagnate due to the lower player count. I’m still not totally sure about the Gauss hogs because if I was able to go on a Gauss spree the way me and Nutduster did toward the end, it’s gotta be a bit too easy to do. I know the regular hog is too underpowered though, because on-foot players can so quickly find cover. Perhaps we should try the rocket hogs next time. Anybody have an opinion about ghosts on this map?

    Congealed by Nutduster - I think CTF wouldn’t have been so bad as long as the other team had a handicap like our team did in me. The Oddball game was more enjoyable, though I still felt bad for making Nutduster have to work so hard. The map seems very well suited for 2v2 matches. The layout and look of the map was top notch.

    Promenade by Cyborg – I was happy to see this map played and felt like I was expecting it to after seeing your preview thread. I thought the layout and sizing of the paths and spaces was pretty spot on for smooth movement around the map. While it has a similar layout to Boardwalk, I think this is its own map. The smaller size and the sprint of Halo 4 won’t allow this map to paly exactly like Boardwalk, but I don’t have a problem with that at all. "should the long hallways up top be more open, less campy, etc." They seemed fine to me in this regard. "Should they have a hole to drop down to the underside, similar to in the original boardwalk?" I definitely think they should have a dropdown on the outer wall. In fact, I thought that very thing when I saw your preview thread. From the top view in the thread, it appeared that those two hallways were just massive corridors with an entry/exit at either end. I was relieved to see how open they were to the interior of the map but think it would be better if they had another exit, that being a dropdown toward the outside. "Should I make the initial and weapon spawns totally symmetrical or should I keep them diagonal/staggered across the map?" I’d go symmetrical, though I see how it might be difficult to find two symmetrical areas on the sides that won’t place the teams very close to one another (or at least within each others view). If you can test out the balance quite a bit, you may be able to find a way to get the asymmetrical spawns to work. I didn’t notice a problem with the way things worked on our game.

    Mobilize by Cyborg – I liked the scale and architecture of the map. It was large, but not too large, even for our teams of two. I can see it being a lot more fun with 4 on 4, though. I like that it was complex, but not so complex that I didn’t pretty much fully understand the entire layout by the end of a single game. As has been suggested, I’d get the two sniper ordnance drops out of sight of one another. I’m not sure about the Mantis either way yet. I’ll have to play some more on the map. I did feel a bit beat up by it in our game, but I think I charged toward it a bit much.

    Jade by Audience – I really like the changes made to this map since the last time I played it several weeks ago. The power area is still the power area, but there seemed to be a lot now that pulled people out of that elevated room. I had battles all over the map this time, and each area seemed to require a different combat style or strategy. I also think I did a good job at honing my distraction skills so Nutduster could do his work a bit more easily.

    Opal - by Audience – I only fell in the pit once this time. That one elevated room is still too strong a magnet. I’d like to do some fighting on the other side of the map, but I really can’t remember a single encounter over there. I think there has to be some sort of symmetry where you add some structure and weapon that competes for our attention the way the current power area does. On a lot of maps, I know that might be asking for a lot, but for this one, I don’t think the grand scheme will be injured by adding a focal point on the less-used side.

    Octave by Nutduster - I had a great time on this map. I have the layout relatively down and played fairly well for the first half of the game. Seems like I fell apart in the second half. I look forward to seeing the change you mentioned, Nutduster. I think it makes sense.
    #342 leegeorgeton, Feb 10, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
  3. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback guys.
    I tried the man cannons from different angles and speeds and never missed the platform. I wanted it to be somewhat risky (no jet packing/screwing around with vehicles) in that area since it's basically a quick ride to the rocket. If others have a problem though I might expand it (I also like the look of the balcony there now. Also, the rocket room is a little sequestered, there are only two hard routes out and a third way to drop down from the top of gold hall. I suspect no one knew they could jump down there so maybe I'll add some visual cue to make it more obvious (any ideas?). That room was meant to be a little harder to get to since it is meant to be a major safe spawning option from spreeing vehicles. You are supposed to have an uphill battle back to the top with the rockets, just as with the mantis. However I am considering putting another way in somehow, just not sure how to do it yet. I am already low on useful objects and certain areas are pushing the frame rate department. Or if it doesn't remain a problem maybe I'll just keep it as is. I am looking for a new sniper location to avoid the problem you mentioned, but I don't want it to be too easy to get and also out of view of the rocket spawn.

    I will look into adding a spot on the outside to drop down, hopefully without losing the big tunnel pieces (they were so efficient piecewise!). I had that same problem you mentioned about where to do symmetrical initial spawns. Should I put them at the bottom facing the rockets or in those upper corridors? I can't imagine objective games will be very fun on this if the bases are too close together, that's why I made the spawns diagonal so far. Thanks for your comments.
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Jade was just completely remade (and painted green to more easily help relation to its name) and Opal (Erosion canvas) just got a nice overhaul. I hope to get you all to see the changes, I think in a few tests these may become final versions. Thank you all again for the assistance in testing.
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    BIOC Lobby Round 2 - PA1NTS Revival Lobby


    Table of contents
    1. Introduction
    2. Lobby details
    3. Testing your maps
    4. Rules - IMPORTANT
    5. How to join

    Hey everyone!
    Welcome to my lobby for BIOC Round 2! We'll be playing some of the most popular flood maps created in Halo 4's lifespan so far. After that, we'll be testing your flood maps. So have them ready to go, and make sure to post the map you're testing along with your sign-up.

    PA1NTS Revival Lobby

    Host's HaloCustoms username: PA1NTS
    Host's Gamertag: PA1NTS
    Lives in: Canada (North America)
    Day of hosting: Thursday, February 21st 2013
    Start Time: 10:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CENTRAL
    End Time (approximately): Whenever everyone has had their map tested.

    Description: My hand is feeling a bit better now, and I'm sure it will be alot better when it comes time to play this lobby. So let's do this! The schedule of maps is posted below. I have picked the appropriate gametype to play on each map. If you want to test a map, sign up early. If your map catches our attention it just might end up in the Map Database.

    I am capping the party at 14 for lag reasons.


    1. Map Name: Outpost Zero / Gametype: Free Roam Flood / Author: FLasH3ang
    2. Map Name: Vacant / Gametype: Necrosis / Author: Mr Pokephile
    3. Map Name: Disabled / Gametype: Matchmaking Flood Author: Narb Guy
    4. Map Name: Desolate / Gametype: Insanity / Author: LL3XX
    5. Map Name: Bacon City / Gametype: Free Roam Flood / Author: Pol Wah
    6. Map Name: Badlands / Gametype: Free Roam Flood / Author: Mr Pokephile
    7. Map Name: Office / Gametype: The Hidden / Author: CELLGHOST206
    8. Map Name: Airliner 007 / Gametype: 007 Infection Author: GryffinGuy007
    9. Map Name: Dead Space 1: Outbreak / Gametype: Dead Space / Author: CELLGHOST206
    10. Map Name: The Sanitorium / Gametype: Insanity / Author: LL3XX
    11. Map Name: Shroom Plague / Gametype: Free Roam Flood / Author: Pol Wah
    11. Map Name: The 4th Kind / Gametype: Free Roam Flood / Author: PA1NTS
    12. Map Name: ??? / Gametype: ??? / Author: You!

    Testing your maps
    According to BIOC standards, you can also submit your maps for testing at the same time as signing up for the lobby itself. We have four major rules that you need to keep in mind in order to actually see your map tested:
    1. Your map has to be a Survival Infection map. Click for more information. Pretty much it means: No mini-games.
    2. You need to submit your map in the same comment as your sign up. This means you should simply copy the testing part of the sign up template as well, other than just the regular sign up part. More information down below, under "The template".
    3. You have to attend at the lobby in order to get your map played. This is essential! If you don't appear at the lobby, we will not play it. More information can be found in the FAQ.
    4. You have to make sure that the map is in your fileshare by the time of submitting it, so we can download it. If you need to change things and will put newer versions in your fileshare later on, just tell us in your comment down below so we can keep it in mind. Not in your fileshare in time? Then we cannot play it in our lobbies.

    The rules READ, IMPORTANT!
    - Signing up means showing up, unless you give us a warning in the comment when you don't know if you can be there or a warning in time if it turns out that you couldn't be there when you already signed up. If the lobby is already full, we won't blame you for not showing up, don't worry.
    - Attend at the lobby in order to get your testing map played.
    - Submit your map down below and make sure it's in your fileshare by the time the lobby starts. Otherwise, it will not be played.
    - You can only submit Survival Infection maps. No mini-games.
    - You may not ask to be promoted to leader. (This does not count for co-hosts.)
    - Players that are in a different party chat or do not have a microphone are more likely to be kicked, especially when there are more than 20 people RSVP’ing. Having a mic is a lot more fun for all players, including you, if you can talk with each other and with the host. This will also increase the enjoyability of the games, because you can work together as a team or tease your opponent after you killed him. Therefore, make sure to have a mic!

    How to join
    In order to be able to join this lobby, there's one final thing you have to do.
    You must make sure to send the following message to me on Xbox Live, 15 minutes before my lobby begins:

    "inv BIOC"

    So make sure to send this message via Xbox Live to my gamertag, which is PA1NTS.

    Why 15 minutes? First of all, that way I can see who of you is actually online at that moment so I won't have to invite people that are not going to show up anyway. Secondly, having 15 minutes gives me enough time to set up the lobby and invite the players so we can start exactly at the starting time.


    That is all! See you in my lobby!
    RSVP Please, and be sure to mention your Flood map that you want to test.
    And If you have any questions about BIOC or just Halo in general, ask me. I'm a pretty nice guy.
    - PA1NTS
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Love the name of the lobby, haha!
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Ongoing projects (TCOJ-tested)

    Thought I'd make a permanent thread for this, since the recaps are temporary and go dormant after a few days.

    What maps that we've tested, or are about to test, are you working on? If we've seen them already, what have you done to them since then? Feel free to post screenshots, request help from another lobby member, etc.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that's cheating.

    1. I think, with the grace of God and xAudienceofone, I've FINALLY fixed the big lift on Salvage. That turned out to be a harder puzzle than I would have expected. A mancannon arranged to shoot you straight up won't always do so, it turns out - if you jump into it, crawl into it slowly, run in from a strange angle, etc. your momentum will be factored slightly into the mancannon trajectory, and no amount of player-immobilizing trait zones will fix that. I had added a taller structure right behind the lift so players would theoretically hit it and be prevented from going forward past the ship entry point, but Audience still managed to break it 9 different ways. We eventually figured out you need a structure behind it, short walls on either side of it at a slight angle, and a one-way shield to trap you into this whole mess. Then the lift shoots you straight up (and faster, for some reason) pretty much no matter what you do. Kudos to him, because I could NOT get this to work on my own.

    2. CyborgAnthro, gotta call you out too for a great accidental suggestion. After we played Congealed recently, you asked if there was a way into the glass-covered pipes room. I said "nuh-uh" and then got to thinking, what if there was..? It turns out that was exactly the tweak this map needed to make it more than mildly interesting. So now the answer is "yeah-huh" and I'm going to submit this map for the Dust-up tourney.

    3. I made a new thing called Smallsylum. There's a preview on the forge forum if you want to see. It's a half-scale remake of Asylum, and we'll be testing it soon. Juanez and Audience have already played it, and good times were had.
  9. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    I think i am about ready to release chimura. I just need to put in some objectives. If at all possible could someone do good screenshots for me. My camera sucks and nutdusters and phoenix hulks thread look way better then what i could do so it would be nice if you could lend a helping hand.

    Also i have finished a prototype for black briar manor slayer and if that goes well i will dual release the flood and slayer map together. Not sure when i will be able to test since i will be going to try two new forges tuesday.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    cough cough

    Been using this and it works very well and is not difficult to use. It has been theorized that it might violate terms of service, but my feeling on it is 1. no it doesn't, and 2. even if does, there's no chance you'll ever get caught. You're not modifying anything on your console, just pulling files off of it and translating them into images (i.e. what 343i could be doing already, and hopefully will, as soon as online fileshares are up... if that ever happens).

    Interesting! Is the map very different? It seems like the design we've been testing is much more suitable for flood, but with some modifications I could see it for slayer. I think the main thing you'd need is ways to get across the street and in/out of the buildings without getting destroyed - maybe some little walkways like Lee is using on Interchange...
  11. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    BIOC Lobby Round 2 - "The Flood Forging Masters Lobby" with Elliot

    Hey everyone!
    Welcome to my lobby for BIOC Round 2!

    The Flood Forging Greats Lobby with Elliot

    Host's Forge Hub username: Elliot
    Host's Gamertag: El Trocity
    Lives in: UK (Europe)
    Day of hosting: Saturday 16th Feb
    Start Time: 05:00 PM EST (10:00 PM GMT)
    End Time (approximately): 08:00 PM EST (01:00 AM GMT)
    Description: Flood maps forged by the greatest.

    1. A few of Insanmiac's maps
    2. One or two of Pol Wah's maps
    3. One or two of Remkings' maps
    4. A couple of Mr Pokephile's maps
    5. Our Daily Bread - T
    6. Aihab Redux - T
    7. To the Stars - T
    8. Flood Light - T
    9. Anything you submit for testing

    Testing your maps

    According to BIOC standards, you can also submit your maps for testing at the same time as signing up for the lobby itself. We have four major rules that you need to keep in mind in order to actually see your map tested:
    1. Your map has to be a Survival Infection map. Click for more information. Pretty much it means: No mini-games.
    2. You need to submit your map in the same comment as your sign up. This means you should simply copy the testing part of the sign up template as well, other than just the regular sign up part. More information down below, under "The template".
    3. You have to attend at the lobby in order to get your map played. This is essential! If you don't appear at the lobby, we will not play it. More information can be found in the FAQ.
    4. You have to make sure that the map is in your fileshare by the time of submitting it, so we can download it. If you need to change things and will put newer versions in your fileshare later on, just tell us in your comment down below so we can keep it in mind. Not in your fileshare in time? Then we cannot play it in our lobbies.

    The rules READ, IMPORTANT!

    - Signing up means showing up, unless you give us a warning in the comment when you don't know if you can be there or a warning in time if it turns out that you couldn't be there when you already signed up. If the lobby is already full, we won't blame you for not showing up, don't worry.
    - Attend at the lobby in order to get your testing map played.
    - Submit your map down below and make sure it's in your fileshare by the time the lobby starts. Otherwise, it will not be played.
    - You can only submit Survival Infection maps. No mini-games.
    - You may not ask to be promoted to leader. (This does not count for co-hosts.)
    - Players that are in a different party chat or do not have a microphone are more likely to be kicked, especially when there are more than 20 people RSVP’ing. Having a mic is a lot more fun for all players, including you, if you can talk with each other and with the host. This will also increase the enjoyability of the games, because you can work together as a team or tease your opponent after you killed him. Therefore, make sure to have a mic!

    How to join

    In order to be able to join this lobby, fill out this template, so we know how to contact you and whether you want to test a map.

    Finally, there's one final thing you have to do.
    You must make sure to send the following message to me on Xbox Live, 15 minutes before my lobby begins:

    inv BIOC

    So make sure to send this message via Xbox Live to my gamertag, which is El Trocity.

    Why 15 minutes? First of all, that way I can see who of you is actually online at that moment so I won't have to invite people that are not going to show up anyway. Secondly, having 15 minutes gives me enough time to set up the lobby and invite the players so we can start exactly at the starting time.

    That is all! See you in my lobby!
    - El Trocity
    #351 Elliot, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  12. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    That would work if my home computer wasn't from the 90's and I can't download anything on my work computer. I have already tried that and failed miserably on my windows 98 POS

    It's not very different its just condensed considerably. I am thinking about putting mantises on it because you can't aim at the second level and the second level can jump to the mantis in almost all locations except for the flower courtyad type thing. I would love another 1000$ from 343 to make it look better. The flood version is more aethetically pleasing.

    Also if anybody has any idea's on how to get more people to move in the center structure in flood that would be greatly appriecieted I added weapons to fight the flood there. I have been finding that if all the humans are at one side the flood won't spawn there. Is there any way to make them spawn random without any ememy proximity factors.
    #352 unrivaled20, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    All I've really got in testing at the moment are my 2v2 maps Opal and Jade. Both received a massive update the other day (which some of you have already seen). In short, I rebuilt Jade from scratch and gave it a visual overhaul in the process. Opal received a whole bunch of edits to remove ease of holding the more powerful center and high rooms, along with several modifications to old paths and brand new ones made. Expect them to be released within the week. And then go nominate/vote for them in FHF :p

    I'll soon hopefully have another 4v4 for testing in TCOJ (although soon is a terrible word to use here). Until then, all of my previous works that I have played with the larger size are on hold or terminated.
  14. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    i had a quick game on this with you guys last night and it was fun.

    a lot of frantic fun.

    (i'm still far too **** or out of practise, depending on how i am feeling at the time, compared to you lot!)

    it is a good remake too, well forged and though i realised it was smaller didnt realise it was only half as big.

    the only thing i noticed was i couldnt work out the radar.

    not counting nutduster and his jet pack shenanigans, i couldnt work out where people were! i am over priveleged by the pointing it out quite accurately and not used to rough guessing and having to rely on my senses and reflexes.

    i do regard this as my own failure as opposed to yours ;)
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks! It's going to be less frantic when we play it again - I found the perfect movement and jump settings to make it feel like the full-sized version. (What you need is a gametype called Kiddy Slayer where spartans are a few feet shorter than usual, then change movement speed to 75%, jump height to 75%, and player gravity to 75%. You'd think for a half-sized map the obvious solution would be 50% speed and jump, but that doesn't work out - feels way too slow and jumping is way too small.)

    Think I've got that too - I'm going to try reducing the radar range to 10 meters. Otherwise you get red dots for everybody on most of the map!
  16. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm getting ready to release Longest Yard and Mech Bay as soon as I get around to it.

    Took some quick snaps for you guys of what's under Hulk's hood.

    Here's what I have planned for testing Tues & Thurs. The map is a giant freighter that will be played with 1-flag. Basically the defenders start out at the ships rear where the flag is as the attackers initially spawn up on the island with banshees and jump packs. I'm debating on how many banshees for initial spawn only but the defenders will have a mantis. No vehicles will respawn and the attackers respawn at the head of the ship.

    What I'm pretty much going with here is as the ship passes by the island it gets jumped by "pirates" as the start of the game will have invading banshees and guys dropping down with jump packs.

    #356 Fenix Hulk, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  17. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    BIOC Lobby Round 2 "Hanging out with Little Boys" with Berb


    Hey everyone!
    Welcome to my lobby for BIOC Round 2!

    Host's Party Name - Details
    Host's ForgeHub username: Berb
    Host's Gamertag: Hi Im Berb
    Lives in: Canada
    Day of hosting: Saturday Feb. 16th
    Start Time: 8PM EST
    End Time (approximately): 11:30PM EST
    We'll play a bunch of really classy maps with some testing. If you want to test your map, message me at least one day before the lobby.

    1. Aihab Redux - Link
    2. Our Daily Bread - Link
    + plus all the stuff here.

    Testing your maps
    According to BIOC standards, you can also submit your maps for testing at the same time as signing up for the lobby itself. We have four major rules that you need to keep in mind in order to actually see your map tested:
    1. Your map has to be a Survival Infection map. Click for more information. Pretty much it means: No mini-games.
    2. You need to submit your map in the same comment as your sign up. This means you should simply copy the testing part of the sign up template as well, other than just the regular sign up part. More information down below, under "The template".
    3. You have to attend at the lobby in order to get your map played. This is essential! If you don't appear at the lobby, we will not play it. More information can be found in the FAQ.
    4. You have to make sure that the map is in your fileshare by the time of submitting it, so we can download it. If you need to change things and will put newer versions in your fileshare later on, just tell us in your comment down below so we can keep it in mind. Not in your fileshare in time? Then we cannot play it in our lobbies.

    The rules READ, IMPORTANT!
    - Signing up means showing up, unless you give us a warning in the comment when you don't know if you can be there or a warning in time if it turns out that you couldn't be there when you already signed up. If the lobby is already full, we won't blame you for not showing up, don't worry.
    - Attend at the lobby in order to get your testing map played.
    - Submit your map down below and make sure it's in your fileshare by the time the lobby starts. Otherwise, it will not be played.
    - You can only submit Survival Infection maps. No mini-games.
    - You may not ask to be promoted to leader. (This does not count for co-hosts.)
    - Players that are in a different party chat or do not have a microphone are more likely to be kicked, especially when there are more than 20 people RSVP’ing. Having a mic is a lot more fun for all players, including you, if you can talk with each other and with the host. This will also increase the enjoyability of the games, because you can work together as a team or tease your opponent after you killed him. Therefore, make sure to have a mic!

    How to join
    In order to be able to join this lobby, there's one final thing you have to do.
    You must make sure to send the following message to me on Xbox Live, 15 minutes before my lobby begins:

    inv BIOC

    So make sure to send this message via Xbox Live to my gamertag, which is Hi Im Berb.

    Why 15 minutes? First of all, that way I can see who of you is actually online at that moment so I won't have to invite people that are not going to show up anyway. Secondly, having 15 minutes gives me enough time to set up the lobby and invite the players so we can start exactly at the starting time.

    That is all! See you in my lobby!
    - Berb
    #357 Berb, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oh dear god... Hulk you are a wonderful person. I am really looking forward to that ship map.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sweet Jesus, that looks fun. I love the way your brain works, Hulk.
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Bump. One more day!
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