
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG Jacka, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. HLG Jacka

    HLG Jacka Ancient

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    I've had an account since '09 yet I haven't really come back into the forging scene until now. Basically, if you haven't heard of it before, there is this thing called trick-jumping which is utilized in several Halo games. Many people think of it as 'Halo Parkour', but it's basically Point A to Point B in the most efficient/stylish way possible. I've seen some incredible things come from it, and if you haven't heard of it, I highly suggest looking into it

    (it would be nice to have a few new members for a community that is slowly dying). Anyways, I wanted to explore the many remakes that many creative users have to offer to land trick-jumps for a new video. I won't go into much detail, but I want to make some maps for the video and this is obviously the place to be for one that needs advice. Now to the Q&A:

    #1. How does one make remake maps? I know it's an EXTREMELY broad question, but I mean how does one compare maps between games (Google Images, PC game, etc)?

    #2. What do you do if there aren't any pieces that match with what needs to be there?

    Thanks for any help you can give. I also have a couple others if I get super in to this.

    #1. If I were to make a H1 map pack for H4, would it be wise to re-use other people's maps for the pack (with their consent/permission of course) or make them myself?

    #2. What maps are best for forging? I have heard good things about Infinity, Erosion, and Ravine, but what is the BEST one (what gives you the best materials too)?

    Thanks for reading. Please help if you can.

  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    1. Lots of methods. Some rich a-holes (just kidding) use 2 xboxes and 2 tvs. I used sketchup to note all the major features of Ghost Town. Memory, screen shots, drawings, I use all of those. For measurments hill markers are useful because the sizes they are measured in actually hasn't change since H3 although they look a lot different (a 10x10x10 hill in H3 is the same size as a 10x10x10 hill in H4). I also find an overview pic (like a heatmap), find out how large a square from the blue grid would be (with math!), and superimpose it over the image. I then use this and the in-game grid to lay out a floor plan. Note that the grid in Reach is not the same size as it is in H4.... I found that out while remaking Asylum.


    2. Improvisation... any given remake you look at has lots of examples of it. Some are obvious some are extremely clever. Just give it some thought, cycle though the item list, and something will pop up.

    other 1. No need to repeat work that's already been done, if something already exists that fits your needs... these maps were made to be put to use. As you said make sure to get the consent of the author, but I think most people don't mind. Different people may have different 'terms of use', though.

    other 2. Impact, Erosion, and Ravine are the 3 forge maps in H4, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I think Impact has the most useful item list, but I think it looks the worst. For a remake, ideally having the atmosphere of the forge map compliment the original should be the first consideration.
    #2 Indie Anthias, Feb 10, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
  3. HLG Jacka

    HLG Jacka Ancient

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    I understand what you mean man. Also, thanks very much for all of the help. :)

    Also, I loved your rendition of Ghost Town. We are actually considering using your Ghost Town map for the video.

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