Variant: Bumper Cars File Share: Gamertag: Darkstrome Maps: Hogs 1-4 Hogs Final You will need the bumper cars game type variant from my file share as well. Those brave will have hours of entertainment with friends. Each one showcases something fun. Plasma pistols work. 150% charge No melee damage, so jack em away. Hogs final is all concepts together. Preview Images added to post 3. I am Open to all criticism.
Try to get a picture with your cellphone or something, no one will spend their time testing without even a picture to go on.
Cell phone pictures it is. ALSO Don't forget to get the game variant: BUMPER CARS from the file share as well to play these What you will see are forge shots. On Hogs 4 and Final Hogs I only show some of the things that will spawn, No reason to give up all the surprises... HOGS: Welcome to the Thunderdome! HOGS 2: Hogs in SPACEEEEEEEE! HOGS 3: Ride the waves of Paradise. HOGS 4: The race against Time. FINAL HOGS: It all comes down to this.
i have a map that is like ur 5th one but it is made of blocks and is enclosed. Works well you should check it out, add me on live if u wanna c it.