Layout Sketch (Blue area is deathpit, left that out) Middle overview facing blue corner, notice the SAW spawn Middle facing Red corner, Needler spawns in the middle of the lift room on the lower right of the pic as seen in the next pic Tele leads to the corner housing the Railgun spawn. Not seen is a ramp leading up to Red corner (see layout sketch). Updated Version Top lift room with the drop down and the Pulse Nades, notice the Plasma Launcher in the distance. It shows to spawn on the wall but I changed that so I could drop spawn it Updated Version Bridge with Railgun, also been changed so the Railgun is drop spawned. The tele in the bunker leads to the lower lift room as mentioned before. Updated Version Extra pic showing the carbine room just above the blue corner in the layout sketch. Updated Version Red Corner Blue Corner Current weapon set: 2 Carbines 2 Stickies 2 Pulse Grenades 1 SAW 1 Needler 1 Railgun 1 Plasma Launcher Still expirementing with the weapons to keep from having the old boring setup we had in Reach. I plan to submit this to the 2v2 tourney and it seems to have fluid movement with the settings I just worry about sprint. I need some serious testing of course so if anybody is willing to game with me please hit me up when we are on Halo. My gamertag is all lowercase = zombievillan.
If you can put about 5 screenshots in your Fileshare, I'll make them into JPGs for you so you can post them. Let me know when they're on your fileshare. I'll try my best to get them made by late tomorrow.
Sweet! Thanks. I put 5 or 6 up in the file share so which ever ones you want to fix please feel free.
The screenshots are ready. Check your private messages to tell me how you want them delivered. By the way, the map looks great.
Nice to see this one back. I would really like to play this in Halo 4 with you. Invite me sometime, perhaps?
Will do. Add me on live. I played 3 man FFA last night due to lack of players and I was quite surprised how well it worked spawn wise. I'll have some pics up later today. Btw, I had a map preview in reach with this same name, but it was completely different. I just stole the name & used it for this map, lol.
How do you not have a flash drive? lol Well, if you have a corporate email address you can use - basically not a free service like hotmail - you can request a free sample from here. As long as it's at least 1 GB you can use it as an xbox memory card. And btw, it's essentially any memory that's >1GB with a USB connection. I've used SD cards and MP3 players. Some stuff won't work, but most will.
Selfish Bump! Actually, I added some new Pics to the originals that Leegeorgeton made for me. Mine are terrible from my iPhone but its just to show some of the makeovers I did. I still need some testing but from games I have played its looking decent. We'll see if its enough to get into the tourney.
This looks really interesting, but extremely segmented. It may work perfectly, but this still concerns me. I'd love to have a look in game at this. Was there ever another map by you which was named after some Crest as well? The name just sounds so familiar.
I thought that this map was very fun for the short game we had on it. I would however like to play it without Stainedwithred because he is rediculas... haha
At audience: yeah, I stole this name from a 1v1 map I had in reach that was never completed. Different map though. So far what I've played it's worked great. I guess it's size works out the separation you're thinking about.