omNominations Hello Forge Hub, My sincerest apologies come with this article being out as late as it has. If last month's results aren't already up by the time you have read this then I assure you they will be up soon enough. Keep an eye out. So let's get this show on the road then shall we? First off, nominations will work a little differently now. Nothing drastic, I assure you. All I have done is upped the number of maps that will be voted on. So for now on, any number of maps (up to ten) that gets two or more nominations will make it the voting thread. Sans that small detail, since the map forums are open now, we will be resuming the old way of doing nominations: Rules Max. 3 nominations per person. Provide a link to each map's Forge Hub thread. DO NOT nominate your own map. DO NOT nominate previous FHF winners. DO NOT nominate Map Packs. DO NOT discuss nominations in this thread. DO NOT flame nominations posted in this thread. Nominations end February 23 2013. Voting will begin later that day. May the best map win, Organite
Top ten maps for voting is nonsense - high-caliber maps (to the FHF standard) aren't posted here often enough to do that. The result will be that cruddier maps will get voted on and the quality of FHFs will decrease on average. Will edit with nominations once I see worthy maps. EDIT: Ah yes, forgot Memento by Noooooch. Paints has the link below.
Personally, I think the two periods should be merged into one. Traverse I'll try to play some other stuff and see what I can find.
A map has to get two noms to be considered. I think only 6 maps last month got more than one. Also, links to map threads, guys. Especially if you're the first to nom the map. Any conversation after this post was deleted. It's annoying rummaging through posts to find actual nominations. If you have concerns about the process there is a place to do that and it's not here -_- Also, My noms: Banshee Boardwalk MK64 Excisio V2 Traverse
Well well, Audience; it seems we have become rivals in a popularity contest ;p But I agree with the Opal votes. It's improved so much and has become so flowy[sup]TM[/sup]. Mmm. Opal Edifice (third to be determined)
Yeah, I'm pretty much extremely thrilled (and a bit surprised, I personally prefer Jade a bit ;P) Thanks to those who have voted for my first halo 4 maps. You are all too sweet. Also, I'll add Serum to my noms as well. I had a wonderful time on that map previously. I just wish I had more games there.