Market Eden This visually pleasing map is best suited for FFA, 2v2 and 4v4 game types. Default Weapons, Vehicles and Ordnance Drops 1x Incineration Cannon 1x Shotgun 2x Saw 1x Magnum 1x Sniper 2x Frag Grenade Drops 2x Plasma Grenade Drops 2x Pulse Grenade Drops 1x Random Power Weapon Drop 1x Banshee There are several features that add to the appeal of this map. Garden 1 Garden 2 The Cafe' Under Way To Download do a file share search for: jrmy19922 I have been forging for a while now but this is my first post to Forge Hub so I hope you all enjoy.
I havent got a chance to play this, but it looks pretty good from what I can see. I love the ascetics you put it, like the gardens and cafe. Gives a less...forged feel to the map, which is good. However my only qualm to this is the underway. The walk ways are tight and look like going down there is a waste of time, and deaths, since the banshee will probably be on a longer respawn timer, it just looks like a hassle. Also the banshee will either be extremely powerful, or completely useless depending on how the players' traffic goes. If they are outside, very powerful as there is no vertical cover, if they are in the center, they are completely enclosed. Overall it looks good, however I feel that map movement would be awkward and it reminds me of a Call of Duty style map, which can have it's ups and it's downs.
DL-ing right now, I don't know how the map will play but these aesthetics are amazing from what I can see.
Thank you guys for the feed back. I planned on making Market Eden bigger than what it is but I started to run into issues with the lighting and it wouldn't generate lighting any more. So I had to restrain my self a bit. If any one knows how to prevent this issue from occurring I would be extremely grateful and I could make Market Eden how I had originally wanted. Hey guys I fixed and updated Market Eden and it is now Market Eden V.2 Here is the link