Ok, so moving on the the last few categories before I start the contest I've settled on a vehicle, but of what mode? That's up to you. the specifics I will work out following the conclusion of this poll.
Sea vehicles would be cool. I think we could see some real creative and original stuff come from that category.
I like the idea of sea, simply because I'd like to design a watercraft that is not a boat. To be unique , there would need to be all sorts of creative seafaring vehicles. Land vehicles and air vehicles are always reskins of the same things usually, but not much is ever done for the sea/
If I enter I might have to hand-draw this stuff. I can't photoshop crap as far as vehicle designing goes My vote would have to be sea or spaaaaaceeeeeeeeeeeeee
i may have to do the same, although I have been wanting to dive back in to charcoals. It may be nice to draw a bit, actually. I'm doing too much stressful work lately, something like that would be lovely.
I'm actually looking forward to trying a hand drawing. If push comes to shove, I always have my handydandy Paint skillz nonetheless.
What about subterranean vehicles? They are by far the coolest. srs though, out of the given options, space or water sound good.
Sea. There's just something so appealing about designing a hydrodynamic craft. So much more interesting tan a simple spaceship which ca pretty much take on any form and not be hindered by having to be sleek.
Valid point: Yeah, I like this idea (sea) better now since it looks kewler, as Xterm basically says. Also: I vote on a public vote for the winner/s. (In a voting thread about voting for the next theme.) .. VOTES EVERYWHERE!
but more lenient on what forms of art can actually be submitted. I have mixed feelings on the community voting as opposed to just SJ. I wouldn't want it to just turn into an alternative SOTW like event. Perhaps you could try both? A community vote and "SJ's favorite" which ultimately wins the contest. Silent's choice, though.
soo... when does this contest start, and has it been decided on as water stuff? Also, how strict is the definition of vehicle, for example; could someone draw a bike with paddles instead of tires, or some footwear similar to snowshoes for walking on water? or are we talking hoverboats and submarines.
So... I say we scrape these ideas that I helped inspire and make the contest be of who can get the best big-foot evidence (fake or real) and submit it to the god-awful "Finding Bigfoot" crew. You guys down? (j/k)