
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by SuperCoolHerb, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Here's a map I forged a while ago. Originally i made this in reach but never released it onto forgehub since Halo 4 was around the corner. Anyway, its an arena style symmetrical map suited for 2v2s. Anything beyond 2v2 will become hectic since the map is fairly small especially with instant respawn. The default version of the map has a railgun as ordnance in the center as well as two random drops of either needler, scattershot, sticky det, or speed boost in the center edges of the map. The 2v2 version for the contest recently announced has no ordnance and the weapon layout has been altered. I recommend radar and instant respawn OFF. CTF works with the map but has not been tested.

    Weapons in Default:
    4x BR
    4x Storm Rifle
    2x Magnum
    2x Boltshot
    1x Railgun Ordnance
    2x Random Ordnance: Needles, sticky det, scattershot, speed boost
    4x Frags ordnance
    4x Plasma grenade ordnance

    Weapons in Alternate:
    4x BR
    4x Carbine
    2x Magnum
    2x Boltshot- 0 spare clips, 45 sec respawn
    1x Railgun- 2 clips, 120 s respawn
    4x frags- 30s
    4x plasma- 30s

    ^Initial Loadout Cam^

    ^Facing from center out to Red^


    ^Center edge^

    ^Action Shot of center edge towards Blue^

    ^Small alcove where plasmas are in default and magnum in alternate^

    Screenshots are a bit outdated. Ive color coded the objects for each side to help with orientation a bit and made small changes to cover. Both versions are in my file share. As always, any and all constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged. Thanks.

    Halo 4 Map Preview: Treatment - YouTube
    #1 SuperCoolHerb, Feb 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
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    If you've improved the map since you've taken the screenshots you should retake them screenshots as it currently looks a little plain, although that's just in the nature of Erosion maps, the lighting creates little to no contrast and it's hard to do anything about it.

    From what I can see though you've got an interesting layout going on and I can imagine having quite a lot of fun on this map, so it's a 7/10 (not entirely your fault, I just don't like erosion and the map's a little plain).
  3. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Video Posted, tho its not embedding for some reason. And as far as screenshots go the differences are minor enough that it wasnt worth re-taking them. All thats different is that all the objects on red and blue sides are their respective colors and the wall that the storm rifle sits on has been changed to a 4x4 on a 45degree angle rather than a 3x3 with the edge pointing upward.

    I understand that some pple dont like erosion but the pipes just worked when i was moving the map from reach to 4 plus i had already had issues with ordnance drops on ravine so i didnt want to risk that again

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