Started back up with charcoal again and I do believe my skill in it has improved quite a bit since my last attempt... Critiques and suggestions are always welcome. I Already know that the lips need to be fixed and I haven't even started on the coat, ear, nose or background so keep in mind it is a work in progress for sure. stock image: Spoiler stock stock image: Spoiler
Huh... I guess that slipped my mind. I'll have to add some more definition and detail to that for sure. Possibly a couple of minute wrinkles and such.
Yeah, bulgy forehead.. nose is a little too long/sticks out at a 90 degree angle to his upper lip, instead of a 120-ish angle, chin sticks out too much on the left side, the left lens of his aviators are a little too round instead of triangular-ish. Otherwise, the neck looks pretty cool, and the contrasts are pretty good. I always mess up the contrasts for some reason :/ (though I think his forehead should be a little lighter). Lookin' decent, but need to work most on proportions imo
All I've done so far on the ear and nose is the outlines, no mapping or shading yet. I'm thinking of completely re-doing the lips because of how ****ed up they are and I can definitely see whal you mean by the lens. Although, the top and outer edge of the left lens don't really need to be fixed that much but the bottom of it could be a bit sharper. I plan to re-start the lips and finish the basic shading on the rest if the features tomorrow. For when I start the coat, have mercy on my soul.
Careful not to finish one spot before working on others. Those sunglasses look great, but they also look done. You dont want that so early in a drawing. What if you have to move the figure because some part throws them off balance and their head has to move. You don't want to start that work on the glasses again. Things like this have happened to me, it is awful. Other than that and the forehead, the ear seems elongated and the lips are idealized, twisted to a more horizontal than they should be. This is a good start, just be careful about finishing it section by section, if you continue that style you will suffer for it at some point. Also make sure to draw like you did with the neck, using shading, not line. You seem to have some heavy lines along the face, though I'll just assume those are guidelines of vine charcoal.
Yeah pretty much every line you see on the face except th glasses frames and the lips is vine charcoal. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Fixed the lips and, finished the nose, started the coat and ear. I think it's looking pretty good so far.