GT:PURIENCE Name: FLYING WATERWORLD DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Equipment: Every Weapon Description: Hovering above the calm blue ocean, lies a fortress of doom. With all vehicles and weapons litered around...wonderous modern warfare is bound to ensue.
It's a start I suppose. But some things to consider for your next map -avoid making it all walkways and ramps -don't put vehicles and weapons in it just because you can -no armories! -dont make spots that only have one entrance or exit -or any spot that is easily campable how do you know if a spot is campable? run a test, if people tend to hover around the same area, that's camping. -give your map cover, something that people can hide behind, but not so much that it becomes campable -avoid allowing the premade structures determine the shape of your map, make them fit or don't use them, don't build your map around them.
^Other than what he said, this is a pretty interesting map. Kinda reminds me of uncaged in Reach. The incredibly flat mid looks a little awkward though.
Never played but infinitely criticized..a fools paradise dominated by 2 Silent but devoid of talent...caught yet ready for the horrors that lie abound "If only the chosen could be gifted such gold as death on command" GT: Purience Maps Sinister Deatmatch Flying Waterworld Deathmatch Space Rock Deathmatch Flying Waterworld Deathmatch Underground Cave Deathmatch Dr. Doom Deathmatch Graveyard Deathmatch Cobra Deathmatch G.I. Joe Deathmatch "May the evils of one...outway the needs of the many"
Not to sound rude, but this probably belongs in the social maps section. You built a map to go on with a couple friends just to have fun and mess around, however when making a competitive map, there is an immense amount of variables that you have to account for. But realistically, just hopping into customs with some friends and just relaxing would suit this map best, and if you want a critique from a competitive standpoint i would feel bad writing it.
What are you going on about? Don't tell me you are one of "those" people.. If I understand this correctly, you are attacking me, accusing me of being talentless, and CaughtSword, .. well I'm not sure what you are doing there... well, I'd start ranting, but honestly, I really don't care what you think about me. E: upon further analysis, I find that you are threatening my life, are you taking any medications for that? I am genuinely concerned