This looks amazing! Forgehub has been doing some damn fine work lately, and a lot of it. Great job, that bridge looks like it was really difficult.
I was kind of skeptical about this map at first. THe pictures really in my opinion make the map looks less than what it is. But, when I downloaded it and played on it, completely different story. It looked great. Everything seemed so alien, not Foundry like at all. The center bridge was indeed awesome, it provided some of the most interesting changes to gameplay. The aesthetics were, as I said before, pretty good as it provided a different feel. I didn't encounter too many problems with the spawns either, but really there aren't any custom map variants wiht great spawns, Bungie just doesn't provide the best tools in Forge for spawns. But overall this map was undoubtedly worth the download. *Stands to hsi feet and applauds*....not really.
My friends and I play alot of MLG FFA styled maps and I believe this could be a great addition to our collection. I love how u took into consideration aesthetics. U could have made the bridge flat like most other maps for example, but u didn't. U kind of threw in a lil kentucky tango and add the curved bridge instead. Awsome job. I'll dl.
Wow, this map looks really good. Must have taken a long time to merge and tweak something like this. Good work man, you have my download.
tight map!, i loved the bridge and that lil corridor with the walls for protection. rlly good map for BRs with my friends. 5/5
very very nice. 5/5 on the constucting. very clean and detailed.. just the arch on the top seemsa bit open... i donno im sure its like that for a reason. nice job :-D My maps: shipwreck (shark map) - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?t=10426 Bomb faculty - http://www. forgehub. com/forum/showthread. php?p=156467&posted=1#post156467 more coming soon.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the comments! You'd be surprised how long you can stay up there without dieing, also there is a bubble shield at one end of the bridge which is really effective during KOTH.
Nice idea on the bridge.... Pretty clean merging. The map looks great, but my concern is that it might be to wide open. Anyone caught on the bottom would be quickly dealt with by people above...LOL. The bridge seems like it would never be used because you would be seen and shot by everyone on the map. I only walked through it for a few minutes and them were the impressions i got from this map. 7/10
Thanks for a constructive comment. From my experience of playing this people have never really ruled by shooting from the bridge, although the sword is effective on the bridge as you can surprise opponents from above with a quick lunge but that means you have to go back to ground level. I suggest you play the map and get back to me with your thoughts.
No one on my friends list plays I'd love to play alot of the maps i download from FH but i rarely get a chance to. By up high i meant... The back wall and the side wall. I picture people camping with BR or snipe praying on the spawner's below. I could be wrong though....Let me know if you ever play customs. I would love to play and test everyones maps. My GT is XxXCASHnDASHXxX...
The Review Hub Map Name: Renegade Author: TDHarding (GT: Tom D Harding) Reviewed by: E93 (GT: Eduardo Dubs) Enjoyment: 7/10 I think we all enjoyed playing this map. It was unique, small, but it did the job better than tons of other maps that are out there. It was really enjoiable for Crazy King. The only, non-fixable flaw, is that this map is pretty small. Matches bigger than 4v4 will be overpopulated, and your average life-time will be very short. Balance: 8/10 Balance is pretty good, maybe for being more of an Objective map, that doesn't require bases. All the weapons are well layed out, and you won't find yourself complaining too much about weapon placement. The Rocket Launcher and the Sword are the only things you have to really worry about. Durability: 10/10 This map includes Avalanche-ish looking Man-Cannons, they prevent you from escaping the map (although you can't even get that high), and they're great for aesthetics. Spawn-Camping does not happen here, no need to worry about that. There aren't even the weapons to properly spawn-camp. =] Aesthetics: 9/10 When you first play this map, you will probably think it was inspired by Avalanche (despite the size) and the surrounding Man-Cannons. Even the crates look good here, and the Interlocking was perfect. There's no getting stuck somewhere, like in other poorly interlocked maps. Originality: 8.5/10 The way it is all layed out, and all the bridges, and corridors, etc..., looke good and are original. TD took the time to think this over, and it worked. You will actually want to play King of the Hill after this map, because it just makes it look fun. Overall score (Average of the above): 8.5/10 I enjoyed this map, in the most parts. Just don't bring too many people in your party to this game, or it will seize or, diminish its ''fun-ness''. Perfect for 3v3 parties, and it's also great for FFAs, like KotH, and Land Grab.
Thanks E93 for a great review! You should try going to the next TGIF and get some peoples gamertags whilst your there.
I got a feeling of Tombstone from that video. Lots of cover and tunnels and so high ground around the edge. Looks like an awesome FFA map.
I am not going to re-type everything I think about this map after playing it. Please see the feature thread on what I think.