Hello again. This is a new 4v4 symmetrical map I've been working on. It it is loosely based on Breezeway, an old favorite of mine from Halo Reach. Of course, it has some new things to offer as well, including a more atrium-style expansion. It currently supports TS and CTF but I am trying to figure out other game types that would suit the map. On to the pics: This balcony currently houses the sniper rifle, but I am entertaining different power weapon configurations: This risky pit area currently houses the rocket launcher: Thanks for viewing and I await your feedback, good or bad.
I've already given some in-depth feedback on Windswept in our community custom threads, but I would highly recommend that others download the map and try it out. It simply feels great to play on. It's very well balanced for all types of players.
I really like the design of this and have enjoyed it each time we've played it. Borg don't make no bad maps.
While this is a great map, I wish there was some more routes in the underground purple (?) area. I felt a bit trapped when I was in there the last few games, with only (If I remember correctly) 2 ways to go (2 entrances from one direction, one from the opposite). It just seemed very static and prone to a bad encounter. If I needed to retreat there was often nowhere to go and few places to take cover/hide. Other than that, I cant say that I can find anything much I don't like. Another great map by Cyborg!
Thanks for the kind comments guys! I'll slip some money in the tcoj bribes/embezzlement jar later. I never found the bottom area a problem, although it is a little under-travelled in slayer. The purple room does have three entrances, although two of them are kind of near each other, but lead to opposite sides of the map (creating a bottom flag run option). Bottom yellow is meant to be a bit of a near-dead-end death pit because of the power weapon down there (currently I am trying a rocket there since it is the most vulnerable spot on the map). I will keep what you said in mind though and try to arrange some different connection options down there. Thanks!
If you want, I can run around here with you and give better descriptions. Its a bit difficult with only images (and none of purple ). The room isn't game breaking at all, its just a bit dull and lacking comparatively.
Sure, we can check it out in forge sometime. I just made a slight alteration down there and maybe that'll address the problem.