
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    Hi Guys,
    This is the first truly quality map that I have made on Halo 4, I spent hours on it. Made a few on Reach but none of my friends are really Forgers so they were somewhat undermined.
    I have some friends that really love it, it is designed for Halo 4 matchmaking and I can honestly say you will not be disappointed if you decide to take a look.
    I'm really looking for feedback and ideas to make the map better, so if even some people could download it it would really be appreciated.
    Name: Omission
    Game-types: Slayer, SWAT, CTF and KOTH, Flood
    Best with: As many players possible.
    Description: Symmetrical map set on a UNSC research base/laboratory that studies planetary rocks. Has some very cool aesthetics and play aspects to it, plenty of cover and a huge tactical element to it.
    Hope you guys enjoy :)
    UPDATE: This is an update from my previous map, Station. I have responded to the feedback and made it better, (removed killballs, renamed etc) more screenshots will be coming soon :) please leave more feedback, as I am always wanting to make my map better.
    #1 xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Don't understand why you have 2 maps up with the same pictures up, these 3 are identical to the other map station you have made. also it is called omission and then station on the description??? From what I see there seems to be little cover and long corridors and to me the use of the impact pieces makes the map looks like there is no flair or creativity only my personal opinion tho.
  3. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    Hi there, allow me to explain.
    The first map was put on, with which i received feedback. Part of which was to remove the killballs and rename, as station isn't very original. However half of the screenshots had the killballs in them, and the ones that didn't were the only ones i could put on this thread. And the station in the description was a mistake from when i copied and pasted the description from the other thread.
    I understand also that the screenshots may not give a great impression of cover/flair/creativity. However i hope some of the new pictures could shed more light on the map as a whole (pictures without the killballs). I think you would be surprised at how well the map plays in multiple game modes, the most fun for me being KOTH, and how easy it is to understand the map and add tactical elements to it.
    Please feel free to download it and have a go, I would love for some more feedback after you have played on it :)
  4. skaffasoldier10

    skaffasoldier10 Promethean

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    The map looks awesome
    Gonna play it Tommorow
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, and appoligies for any confusion. I never seen the killballs, or noticed them. I see now with more pictures that there is more to the map. It does look to have a decent lay out and a few different levels. I think instead of the central 3 rooms or even 5 including top... the map may play better if the they were all 1 forged central structure, it would get away from the map looking entirely made out of impact pieces.
    #5 timmypanic, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  6. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the changes, but edit your post for these kinds of updates next time please, ok?
    OT: I like the killballs being gone and the outside area's cool as well, although people tend to try and break out of the map because of it.
  7. Insanem0nk

    Insanem0nk Promethean

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    I like 90% of the map, its well designed. not sure if mancannons to middle is competitive, but it is very chaotic fun. good job man

    you should make a variant without mancannons for competitive gamemodes, btw I forgot to test this but can you thruster pack out of the map as you're lifting.
  8. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback, I can see where you are coming from with the man cannons, in my view if you don't want a massive firefight at the beginning then you move around the long way, just as on any other map. I learnt that the hard way from playing SWAT on Haven ;) Obviously if you want the first hill in KOTH the you have to be prepared to fight for it ;)
    Also I made sure you can't jet pack or thruster pack out of the map as there are kill boudries below, above and to the sides of the man cannon area of space. This will have to be edited slightly, as the one above is a bit low so sometimes when you go over with the flag in CTF you end up dying. Oops.

    Cheers dude, I will definitely do that next time. Believe me when I say I have spent a long time making sure you can't break out of it. The kill boundaries do that for me ;)

    Its alright man, it's easy to miss these things. I realise it may have been easier if I had just updated the old thread :S There are a few problems with a forged central structure.
    1) I have run out of money, and still have 20 impact pieces left, meaning that a good 6000 forge credits have gone on decoration etc. It is a very simple map, there is no denying it. However, while the main structure could be built in about 20min, the decoration/making it playable takes exceedingly longer.
    2) I believe that a central map as you are suggesting would make the map much more about long range. At the moment in general it is a reasonably close quarters map, with a lot of cover being provided by corners and hills. The only fully long distance part is the tunnel along the top, which still provides cover at either end and in the middle. If I were to make a central structure, it would both increase he amount of long distance firefights and make it increasingly difficult to make it a sealed structure (aim of the shields etc)
    This being said I would love to see a remake of the map with your idea in mind, because I think if done properly it would be a very interesting map, and I would be more than happy to help test it :)

    Thanks, hope you enjoy it :)

    Edited by merge:

    Ahh i think I have just realised the idea/concept you mean, if I have a spare moment then I will create a new map with that edit and let you know how it goes :)
    #8 xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 4, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2013
  9. ALXDG1905

    ALXDG1905 Promethean

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    I've played this map alot with friends and I think its great!
    It plays well on all the modes and I really like the layout.

    I have seen that people do not like the 'lack of cover' however playing it myself I found that is not the case, the corridors have a lot of turns and hills and each of the hubs have a centre piece to act as cover.

    The central corridor also, despite the pictures does have cover to advance on, and if anything leads to some interesting fights, especially with the grav lift and the hill in the middle.

    I think its a great concept and brilliant to play, I hope it gains some popularity!

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