TEAM SLAYER CLASSIC This is just an ordinary vanilla halo gametype. It has basically everything we loved about Halo 3 in it, except sprint is still there, but it is just as fun. NO INSTANT RESPAWN! BR primary, AR secondary. No armor abilities. No personal ordnance. 110% speed, 110% jump height. The lack of instant respawn makes this an awesome gametype to have, and I know what you're thinking... it's modded. Wrong. I have actually just edited a gametype right out of Team Doubles matchmaking. I noticed during a match that my instant respawn didn't work, and I immediately made this gametype after it was over. This works great for remakes, or even if you just want that classic competitive feel to your own map. Spread the word on this, it will surely make some players want to play more than they are!
I'd assume they just turned off instant respawn for this particular matchmaking variant. Anyone could just save the gametype after playing and make this gametype, but I saved everyone the trouble.
This is very nice Silent. I want to bring to you attention that they are planning the following in the next title update, wich makes it unnecessary to use Team Doubles. • Fixed an issue that did not allow players to create respawn timers or disable instant respawn in custom games. But it doesn't really matter now, does it? Bigger news would be that we could disable sprint. But I just wanted to bring this to your attention. I will download this, because I am really interested in a awesome classic gametype.. And it seems you have brought it to us
What someone should do is go into all the maps on halo 4 that are on disc and Dlc and add permanent weapon spawns, to get the real classic feel. Rushing for a certain power weapon. Defending a room till a weapon spawns. That classic halo formula.