Map: Longest Yard Map Gametype: Hulk's House of Frag: Deathmatch This map was designed to be an exact remake and is not designed to try and make it into matchmaking. I made the remake specifically for my community HHF. If you're interested in playing some games on this with the quake style gametype you can sign up here. Spoiler Gameplay footage from the Beta **Changes made since the beta! Longest Yard Quake 3's Longest Yard Gameplay for comparsion **Note this game only has 4 players on it compared to 6 in mine. Longest Yard
I don't have the capabilities, but I like this idea enough to hope someone with a JTAG injects a few extra lifts to finish it off. Too bad you hit a limit.
Well the way I have it set up now plays just like the original. The only change is you have to take teleporters from the sniper pad back to the main.
I may grab that from you but won't use it for this map, don't feel like rebuilding it lol. I did cancel some map remakes though due to not enough lifts so this may feel useful.
hmmm... I might have some ideas on how to get more lifts without actually using lifts... some things I've learned making the two styles of lifts you saw on Thursday night in my maps. hey, is that my dead green body in that video? LOL So yea basically it goes like this Make something LOOK like a lift, but place a trait zone over it that has certain settings for jump height, player speed and gravity that are condusive for sending your player to the desired location. I'm working on some finishing touches to Morpheus and I think you may want to disect the lifts once finished and it could help you here... I'll let you know when its ready.
I thought about it but the only thing I don't like about the trait zones is that people don't know to jump (even making it look like a lift) b/c people don't expect it. They expect the lift to do the work. I want my map to be "dummy proof." I have it now to where it works just fine if you look at the pics and not the video (lifts included).
There's a mancannon there now and it works pretty awesome. There use to be to gravity lifts in the bottom center. I replaced the center it with one gravity that still allows you to get up onto either side pad (or even the bridge) depending on how you go off of it and then added that extra mancannon on the lift. Edit: You can see the mancannon there in the screenshots.
not saying you should definitely do this or anything, but with trait zones fine tuned and just one one-way shield as the base of the jump it will give you a pretty large jump just from the bounce effect of the one-way shield. or else you can use the other way of having a player phase through it and get propeled like others do. having a trait zone around that area could potentially make that effect amplified, though I haven't specifically done it yet.
My concerns: How's the spawning? Are players using the lower floors less often than upper floors? Other than that, nice to see a Quake remake
The game play is way to fast that movement is constant and you would probably only be able to camp a spawn for maybe 3 seconds without getting blasted in the back. As all spawn points are around the edge of each level, you would have to keep your back turned toward the action to spawn camp. It also seems pointless to spawn camp because it would actually slow your score down waiting for someone to spawn at that location while you could be racking up kills of innocent players in the center that are distracted by so much cross-fire. This gametype does encourage higher numbers to create a more chaotic atmosphere and the more players the higher chance of one person spawning next to the other. In the video you can actually witness someone literally spawning right next to me and both of us didn't even realize it do to the amount of craziness going on everywhere, distracting you from all your surroundings.
Dude... this was one of my favorite Quake III Arena maps. You nailed it! It looks beautiful too! I love the weapons floating that's a really cool idea. Excellent!! {{Quake announcer voice}}
This map is the funnest thing I've played in Halo in a long time. If we can't have minigames where you score by knocking a ball into a goal, we can at least have insane FFA killfests like the ones this map promotes. Nice job, Hulk.