
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by itsCODYeveryONE, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. itsCODYeveryONE

    itsCODYeveryONE Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Created by itsCODYeveryONE

    Map Description
    Hello Again,
    This map I really wanted to incorporate the pipes you are able to use in erosion, as you can tell by the name. This map has a really cool look to it and plays great infinity slayer. Has a single power weapon in the lower middle choke point and two regular weapon spawns on the sides. It has a circular flow to it and is two stories. It is easy to get around and go from story to story. It has symmetrical spawn bases but the sides are different from each other.

    Upper Middle Area

    Lower Middle Area

    Spawn Base

    Upper Side

    Lower Side

    Upper Side Opposite Previous Side

    I really like the way this map came out and i hope you give it a chance. And feedback is always appreciated!
    #1 itsCODYeveryONE, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. gaagaa1829

    gaagaa1829 Promethean

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    I'll have to try and get a game on this later today, when I actually have some people online. I walked around a bit alone and I have to say it seems like a job well done. I'm still new to forging, but I liked the way you provide plenty of natural cover. Not that anything in forge is natural, just yours all blends well into the feel of the map. Movement appears easy as well, no rooms/areas that have a significant advantage or camping possibilities.

    Think it will be a lot of fun, I'll get back to you when I have played more though...
  3. itsCODYeveryONE

    itsCODYeveryONE Promethean
    Senior Member

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    thank you. let me know what u think i wil really apreciate the feedack.

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