So, lets try something different Instead of me coming up with the new contest, I will let you guys decide what you would most like to participate in If you want to add something, just post below there is no set date for this to close, but when I feel that a consensus has been made.
Here are some suggestions: •Figure (any person ranging from Master Cheif, to Bill Nye, to Tali Zorah Vas-Normandy, to the ever loved Giotto) •Creature (any animal or beast from your faverite pokemon to an ent to some custom beast) •Olden (or fantacy) Structures/Vehicles (a contrast to the sci-fi ones) Personally I am fond of the figure one. Also, I feel that digital and traditional art might have to be judged separately. There are things that each branch can do that the other cant, and they shouldn't be penalized or loved for their advantages/limitations over one another.
I like the idea of a favorite creature or a favorite figure, although that's a bit broad: Maybe something like favorite comic book villain <-I like 'dat idea :s
I'm game. I just wish that I knew more than... oh my... only Magneto comes to mind... I'd have to research a bit on that one.
Currently, that category is for artificial constructs only, however, I can take that into consideration if enough people support it.
They're just as easy as vehicles or structures. I could put in a lot of time and make you a full 3D detailed model. That takes some time, just as much as the alternative.
Well, it's pretty safe to say that SciFi Structures/Vehicles won the battle here. You should start a new poll having some of the options: Vehicle Structure Weapon Character *also you should be specific on what type of structure or w/e that you want. Does it belong in the halo world, our world, fantasy, etc. We need a theme to go with the item.
If structures is a theme, it should be fantasy structures seeing as the last contest was scifi. Original scifi/fantasy characters would be a good theme also.