Rat Race is a simple but fun race map made from the original map, Rat's Nest. This map takes drivers around the main track in an exciting race to the finish. A picture of the starting line! Although the track is the same as in the original map, the turns take skill to maneuver through. The small inclines and declines offer some fun hang-time. The finish line, the inside of the ramp is lined with man cannons to make sure players make it through, and force cheaters to their doom. But always make sure that... You make your initial run right, or you'll end up like this guy. Oh, and if you want to be annoying, go through the shield walls to go to the playpen and go have fun while all the grown-ups race. Get the gametype here. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36114474 Get the map here. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36114504
This looks pretty good. Simplisitic, yet well made. A lot of these arent made with much interlocking so good job. Also, you havent shown us how you've blocked off the rest of the map from the outer track, could you post a few more pics. I like the finish line that you've made, but I cant really see if there are man cannons behind the teleporters. Because it looks like someone could camp there at the line and frustrate everyone. Is that possible. Have you tested this?
The map has gone through several MAJOR changes and testing (with some of my friends who are some of the biggest cheaters). As for the blocking the outside of the map, certain doors are blocked by crates with weapon holders behind them, while others just have shield walls. So I guess you could say that players could camp there but they wont be able to get to the finish line and effect the game. Again, I play with friends who spoil every game that I make and they have failed to crack this so far. I may upload more screenshots, but I have finals tomorrow and don't have time so it will have to be tomorrow at the least. Finally, if anyone finds ANY problem with this map, post immediately so I can fix it. Oh, about the man cannons, they are at the base of the ramp so anyone who even gets in it will be launched, and the teleporters go off the cliff edge and kill the cheaters. This is my first race map as well so it may feel a bit unpolished as of right now, and I find it hard to make a race map on Rat's Nest.
Simplisitic maybe, but when it comes to race maps you can't very well in small areas, so some times a simple map can be a really good one.
Looks nice. Uses the natural layout to create a solid ring shaped track. I'll give you more feedback after I've tested it.
I played it and no offense but this must of taken you 10 minutes to make, all you did was make a ramp and put down some barriers...
It seems like it did, but I started with much more on it and ended up simplifying it because that seemed to make it more fun.
I'm not sure that necessarily makes a race map more fun. It can just end up being frustrating. As it is, this map is excellent for either simple driving races, as well as ones in which rockets, lasers, or your other weapon of choice feature heavily. It keeps a nice wide track with plenty of space for even large parties to thrash around on. Although its simple, its well made, and pretty cheat proof. The 'play pen' in the centre was a nice touch as well. I do have one negative. And thats at the corners. Even though you've placed barrier objects behind the pillars, you can still get temporarily stuck behind them on busy games. Then again, there are plenty of pillars jutting out along the straights as well, so maybe its a moot point. 4/5 overall. Clean, well made, nice touches, but slightly unoriginal in layout and name.