Station Update

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    Hi Guys,
    This is the first truly quality map that I have made on Halo 4, I spent hours on it. Made a few on Reach but none of my friends are really Forgers so they were somewhat undermined.
    I have some friends that really love it, it is designed for Halo 4 matchmaking and I can honestly say you will not be disappointed if you decide to download.
    I'm really looking for feedback and ideas to make the map better, so if even some people could download it it would really be appreciated.
    Name: Station
    Game-types: Slayer, SWAT, CTF and KOTH, Flood
    Best with: As many players possible.
    Description: Symmetrical map set on a UNSC research base/laboratory that studies planetary rocks. Has some very cool aesthetics and play aspects to it, plenty of cover and a huge tactical element to it.
    UPDATE: Picture have now been added :D
    Hope you guys enjoy :)
    #1 xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. ALXDG1905

    ALXDG1905 Promethean

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    Just downloaded it, really cool looking map!
    Very neat and excellent to play - had a blast with my friends
    Looks fantastic!
  3. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just downloaded it, it seems to play pretty well although it's a lot of corridors.
    I don't like the killballs though, they look horrible in Halo 4, even worse than it's previous iterations.
    6/10 overall, there's a few things you did that look cool but aren't really that cool, plus the name's not original at all. Great screenshots though.
  4. Insanem0nk

    Insanem0nk Promethean

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    Looks very interested. just wondering, what are the function of killballs?
  5. xTheGreyWolfx

    xTheGreyWolfx Promethean

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    OK so the function of the killballs was simply part of the story-line of the map as an energy source for the lab. However if they seem unimportant then I will remove them.
    As for its simplicity in being many corridors, in my view some of the best maps are very simplistic and don't require much visual clutter (e.g Haven, Construct, Guardian), however i do understand your viewpoint.
    As for the name, i will do my best to think up an original name for it, I understand it wasn't but this was simply a prototype for the map. Thanks for the feedback, look out for the update :)

    Edited by merge:

    Hi Guys, have updated the map and renamed it as per your feedback.
    Please let me know any other suggestions you may have for it :)
    #5 xTheGreyWolfx, Feb 3, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  6. Insanem0nk

    Insanem0nk Promethean

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    oh I meant like what do killballs actually do in game lol are they just balls of killzone?

    yes, I agree the most simple maps are the best ones imo and the ones that will get into the forge community playlist

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