Hey there! I wanted to show you my first creation in Halo 4 forge: Weaponlist: Description: Paragon is a medium-sized, symmetrical map designed for Slayer, Oddball and KotH. The basic layout can be described as a 2/3 floored, squared dounut with a angled North-South axis. There are 2 main structures (orange tower, purple building), which are connected by a mancannon. Additionally, there's one lift on each side. Both areas are symmetrically connected by two 2-story bridges. For more competetiveness, there were a total of 6 trick-jumps added (3 on each side). Paragon features a plenty of interesting sightlines, which makes it great for FFA- or Team Snipes. Support is granted up to 8 teams. Pictures: Overview (ceiling removed) Orange Tower Purple Building Red Team Spawn One of the bridges Backyard Snipe spawn Bottom tower / sword spawn Bottom purple / incinerator spawn That's for it, I hope you enjoyed! PS: I'm from Germany, so please forgive possible mistakes grammar-/spellingwise
I'll try and get a game on this some time this week. It looks interesting from the pics that I see. I'll post my feedback once I try it.