I just failed my first spartan op. I was so disappointed... I was lagging so bad and we couldn't get back to infinity... To put it all to boot I also used up one of my double XP's and only got a total of 3k... The next mission I lagged a fair bit and when I tried to use a console I got thrown into a wall and suicided. Then there's the time I was about to help out an ally and in my attempt to save him from a banshee it crushed him. anyone else have similar failures?
I've yet to play Spartan Ops via co-op 'cause my internet isn't the best and I'm afraid of the same kind of button-input and screen lag that I suffered through in Reach's online Firefight. Even so, one particularly facepalm-worthy fail I've had was in Chapter 4 of Episode 5. While driving a Mantis I destroyed one of the Phantoms as it was flying/hovering over the base and one of the larger debris pieces landed on my Mantis caused it to explode, killing me.
The lag is becoming ridiculous, and is it just me or 343i making Spartan Ops less and less survivable? There are just hundreds of enemies, trapping your team I a corner unable to get out, with half of the covies armed with fuel rod cannons on Legendary, ALL THE TIME. I know it's Legendary but come on, at this rate I can predict Episode 10 will be incomplete able.
Maybe I am. Maybe Im not. Just annoying when you can't get out of a certain area since there are like ten 'General' elites firing FRCs at it. Then again Im guessing its to encourage teamwork.
At that point you need a plasma pistol with a head shot weapon (aka Noob combo). But yes some great fails with that. I remember the times i would get rockets and kill a banshee to only kill an ally or sometimes my friends. I play SPartan Ops alot. Good xp!
So far I've played all co-op with no real lag (except one or two games when I had a bad personal connection.) In terms of difficulty, yes it's hard, but the idea of Spartan Ops is you have to work as a team to get through it. The missions are designed as if Crimson Team is there, providing cover fire for each other and team-shooting enemies from multiple angles. 2 is the bare minimum for this, once you get more and you coordinate it becomes an interesting challenge that you can't get in modes like Campaign.
I don't know how you play spartan ops without button-input lag... or firefight in Reach. What is your secret? I have a fast cable connection and it makes no difference. Now private matches dont have lag if you are the host... but anything else does, same with campaign and it was like this in Reach too. The netcoding is different than regular matchmaking. In Halo 3: ODST, I had a real hard time finding people I could play with that didn't cause button input lag. The only times I was able to is when I played with my friend and we both turned off computers and anything else in the house that used the internet connection. This didn't work for every time though and it also mattered who was in the game and where they were on the planet. In Reach and Halo 4 I have yet to experience one game of Spartan Ops online without button-input lag.
Not sure, but I've only rarely eve gotten it. I had bad lag in Reach Firefight, but little in Spartan Ops, even when playing with 3-4 players.
Probably the worst fail was where in Shootout in Valhalla I was trying to destroy one of the banshees in the Mantis, only to miss completely and destroy my teammates mantis, who was then taken out by the banshee I tried to destroy. Not a proud moment. Have any of you had to deal with the mini Covenant? There's a glitch where sometimes all the Covenent enemies become miniscule and hence impossible to hit, but they still do full damage and their guns stay the same. So basically you end up with little tiny ant covenant destroying you because it's impossible to aim at them. Also the glitch where your final objective doesn't initiate, so you're basically stuck online until you quit your game. I'm really hoping 343 does something about it, played through too many epic Legendary matches with four people only to come short because we can't physically complete the mission.