this map is way better than anyone of mine and how did u get the geo glith just right i cant do that if u could plz tell me.i also like all the interlocking very nice!!
Very nice....I like how the air shoot can take you 2 different places. I would LOVE to get up to the lookout tower with a sniper...LOL. The air shoot is wicked... As soon as you get on it's like a rocket. Weapons seemed pretty balanced, but i don't know about the Ghost being on that map. The Ghost might work though... It's cluttered enough to be hard to drive which would make it easier to defend against. Most people would never get in the thing anyways....Solid map 8/10.
I don't know what you mean about the Ghost... Have you seen Reflex? Small map, really good, and it has a Ghost. Works fine on Reflex, and no one else has had a problem with using it on Jedwali so..
I just imagined one guy that keeps getting into it and being annoying more than anything. I never said it was bad.... Jedwali is a great map. I just wondered if the Ghost would be a problem when your playing against completive people. I hate when people get in the Ghost every time on boards like High Ground and Isolation. They never really kill you...They get you weak and then someone comes and knocks you over with a few shots. It's my problem with not liking the Ghost...LOL. Not your map. Do you ever play custom games ? I would like to get some people on my friends list that play customs on Forged maps. I can help play test if ever needed.
Whatever. My point was that I like the Ghost, so the Ghost stays. But, I guess it is up to the players if they will use the Ghost or not, just as everything else is...
I looked around in Forge, and it looks like this map should be featured. Great interlocking/geo-locking, new concepts like the man-cannon elevator, etc. Not much to say about improvements, but I'd really like it if you could teleport inside the "arms" at the top of the map. Hide a few weapons in there for some real fun... In all, another high quality map from you. Great job on this, as always.
I had a blast playing this map, Its one of those maps where you will find something new everytime you play it. One of the best!
Very nice merging and interlocking. It also looks as if the weapon placement is FANTABULOUS haha. Very well made.GOOD JOB!
This map looks phenominal. I definitely plan to download and play a few games on it then I'll get back to you... q'd for download.