I didn't see it posted anywhere yet, but I did notice that the in game file share system in Halo 4 seems to be working and stable now. I am getting results from searching any gamer tag, "Recommendations", "Most Downloaded", "Most Recommended" and more. I hope this is a good sign that the Halo Waypoint fileshare is not far behind. I'm myself am really looking forward to hassle free screen shot capabilities.
It's one small step for 343, one GIANT step for a fileshare system we should of already had. But for real, I think 343 mentioned that the website based file sharing is coming out before the end of february. So hooray for that!
Its basically sad to see that not many new remake maps were found. Also ther fact that the most downloaded and most recomend maps were all built in 1 day. If you built you map in one day its not going to be very good. Also people are filesharing older versions of my remakes on their fileshares kinda frustrates me. I wish i could see who is sharing my files
I see how that could be annoying unrivaled. I think people should start putting "Beta" and "alpha" on builds if they are not truly ready. Because what happens is someone checks out a map that is in testing, they liked it, so they keep it. Later on they share it because they remember liking it and want to promote it, not knowing you actually published a finished version. Putting "Beta" after the map name should help with that. So when someone goes to share it they will be prompted to go find a new one.
not to undervalue peoples hard work, and i agree with you a little - testing and tweaking etc. but i do think you can make a good map in one day using forge. (you can also not guarantee that any length of time, greater than one day, guarantees a good map)
You could always search by gamertag. That didn't just become available. I've been using that method since the game came out.
which brings this question to mind. If they had the functionality to make the gamertag search work this WHOLE time, how could it be any different for any other search? it must have simply been a case of someone not lighting a fire under someone's butt to force them to get it done. now, functionality on a website does require some development. but they had the core functionality from reach they could have merely copied and then upgraded later.
Show me a good map that was created and edited the same day and i might agree with you. Possibly a mini game map because some of them require little or minor editing. I do a agree that a long time does not imply a good map but the likelyhood of getting a good map is much better if someone went back and edited it
Haven't checked it today, but Most Downloaded and Most Recommended were just a bunch of junk maps. Maybe as things populate it'll get better.
i wish i was a good enough forger to back up this claim. however i have no proof, so i'll have to concede i'd like to see some of the members here try....
This, I do not understand what people ahve been talking about. Searching gamertags has worked perfectly for me from the beginning. Is this somethign else?
Sorry guys, I am a newbie at all this (first post). I have been searching for the current hassle-loaded way to get your screenshots off of file share all morning. I know there are some tutorial threads here, but haven't found a current halo 4 version. I'd appreciate a link to one or some instruction on it. Otherwise I guess I'll just end up waiting for this hassle free version (supposedly coming in the end of Feb). Is taking a picture of my tv with a camera the way everyone else is doing it? That's the only way I can currently think of. Thanks
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...o-4-screenshotextractor-0-2-8-0-released.html that is what many are using who don't have the best HD capture hardware for their PC. it does get a little tricky so just try a few tips that are in that thread and you should be good to go.
Thanks JKaddict...I read only the first page of that thread earlier and wrongly assumed the method was shady/illegal. I'll see if I can get it working.
it's not "approved" by MS but it isn't illegal. They give you the ability to remove files from your xbox to PC. But modding them and bringing them back to your xbox might be depending on the situation. simply extracting a screenshot shouldn't ever get you in legal trouble. but we shouldn't have to use this method for much longer (hopefully)
what should we expect when the masses are largely idiots who don't know good quality anything when they see it. music, television, games etc... the most popular things in life generally suck. I live by this axiom: Most people are wrong most of the time about almost everything.
A good map in one day issue: A good map can be built in one day, but there is no chance it has been properly tested to be considered complete. How to get on most downloaded page? Have spelling errors in the name of your map and leave the generic description in there and you will be good to go. Only showing maps that have been modified in the last week is idiotic, they should have option to do week/month/all-time.