Black Ops II Tranzit Remake

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sp1vo, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Sp1vo

    Sp1vo Promethean

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    Heya I just registered here, been lurking on and off for a few years and I can't find anywhere else to post so hopefully this is the right place (I know you keep hearing that sorry). So anyways, I'm interested in making and getting feedback on a remake/port/recreation of the zombie game type Tranzit from COD Black Ops II. I'm also not sure if this qualifies for adoption or is that reserved for earlier halo maps only?

    I'm looking for ideas and suggestion as well as any one who would be interested in assisting. Do you think this would work well? Is it a stupid idea? Should I try to recreate as accurately as possible or just focus on the gameplay more? Which map should I use?

    I've figured out some things, use trait zones for the roads in between towns to increase zombie power and apply a visual effect to the players, replace the bus with a warthog or 2 or three removing player ability to mount the gun. As for doors, perhaps we could use a grenade/shield door/fusion coil mechanism so every door cost a grenade. Players spawn without grenades and they are lying around the map. It would be cool to implement the grenade system into the mystery box as well. Could also implement ideas from the zombie remakes in halo 3/ reach.

    So if you have any feedback or want to help let me know, thanks.

    Also I can't seem to change my avatar I've tried everything and met the requirements, I searched the forums but all the results were outdated |:
    #1 Sp1vo, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  2. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't speak to most of the other points, but there's no such thing as a stupid idea when it comes to forge and customs.
    Unless you're 343i, in which case you had PLENTY of stupid ideas that are ruining both.
    But you're not. So you cool brah.
    Oh also focus on gameplay above all, unless you plan on the map being not used for any gametypes and just viewing. Nobody will play even customs if your map can be broken at every turn.
    Finally I don't think (at this point) that having a partner (in the actual forging process) is a very good idea because that seems to be the main culprit in your map pieces getting frustratingly bumped. You don't want that.
  3. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
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    Black Ops 2 is one of the worst games on xbox right now, but if you would like to make a map from that terrible game on Halo then I guess I would play it :33

    Knowing Call of Duty though, the map is most likely INCREDIBLY unbalanced and horrible. So making a 100% accurate remake of it might not be the best idea. I'd go for a map INSPIRED by that one fit for Halo ;o
  4. Frostbite

    Frostbite Promethean

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    BUT, you haven't even played the game probably. The map he is talking about is a zombies map from Black Ops 2 which can't even be overpowered.
  5. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah dude why don't you play the game first before you drag on it. #Annoying
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Black ops 2 is an absolutely horrible game. THOUGH, the multiplayer map design in it is actually greatly thought out unlike other call of duties. They did an incredibly good job with that somehow.

    Transit isn't even a map, it's a game mode. but remaking the transit route with all of the maps in it would be quite hard to even come close to and wouldn't play well for flood unless you were to make a **** zombies gametype.
  7. knife2meetU

    knife2meetU Forerunner

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    If you use trait zones you can have the warthog move around the map on it's own; "Jurassic Park" :viral: - YouTubeThat could work for the bus. I was actually thinking of this the other day.
    #7 knife2meetU, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
  8. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Just because Halo is a much better game than any Call of Duty, doesn't mean Black Ops 2 is one of the worst games on Xbox. Even I wouldn't say something so stupid when there is games like Naughty Bear and those shitty Kinect games. Black Ops II is just catered for the simple minded and it's easy to play/get kills for all ages and all skill levels. Still a quality game and that is coming from someone who does not play COD and will not.

    I'd like to see some unique custom flood maps in Halo 4, even if they are remakes of duty zombies. Stuff like that Jurassic Park map/gametype is really cool. I've never seen this Transit map though so I can't comment on if it is a good idea or not.
    #8 Starship Ghost, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  9. Sp1vo

    Sp1vo Promethean

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    Yeah saw that earlier, will use that. Let me know if your interested in helping.
  10. helljumper118

    helljumper118 Promethean

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    Hey, I read this thread and even though some people call this idea a mistake, I am in on this 100%. I played on the original Tranzit and I just love it, so seeing this in Halo 4 would be nice.
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You forgot to tell all those people who are playing it...
  12. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Exactly. I dislike COD in general, but Black Ops 2 was more impressive than I expected. I liked it somewhat, but it's relatively similar to the original Black Ops.
  13. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Well to be realistic, i dont think forge in halo 4 could come close to building something like transit. You could however, do something like, just the town and power station, or something along those lines, getting a working bus to go all the way around might be hard however, and along the route, the zombies would have a field day due to the warthog/movable object moving so slow.

    If you were to remake any zombies map, i'd personally remake Town, it seems the most sensible for Halo 4 forge and gameplay dynamics.

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