Introduction Greetings Forgers!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by darphiroth, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. darphiroth

    darphiroth Promethean

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    Hello I'm Darph! The online persona of a human guy that twiddles his thumbs gaming.

    Halo 4 being one of my more favourite games (spent 2 weeks in MP before even touching campaign) not to mention Halo Reach. While I created many a map that was apparently good fun to play on, even the one that replicated one of the Mass Effect 3 maps quite well, I never really had much exposure with them.

    One of the things that has always puzzled me is how to get the Objective things to work properly on the maps. I can build maps not a problem... pretty balanced to although you could say they are just "beginner" kinds but play rather well just could never get the Objective games to work properly. Any help on this would be great.

    I've no idea how to get the photo's up but I do have the latest map ( Icarus ) on my file share which I've spent a few hours playing on which is good for DM and TDM.. So any helpful tips and pointers would be great.

    Happy Forging and gaming everyone :)

    PS This is an edit. : I hope this doesn't make you think I am arrogant or anything like that has I am not just on a re-read of this I realise you could take it that way. Sorry if you do it is not ment to be that way at all.
    #1 darphiroth, Jan 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Noo, that didn't sound arrogant at all, hahaha. Welcome to Forgehub, man.

    Regarding your objective problem, what gametype are you trying to set up exactly? I would be glad to help you out in game some time.
  3. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ^Someone's an old school gamer ;)

    Nice to meet you Darph! I'm Dax. Welcome to Forgehub. Hope to see you around!
  4. darphiroth

    darphiroth Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Hi thanks.

    Auburn: Yes please mate, I have issues with the flags and king of the hill.... and the respawn zoning that you can do not to sure about that either haha.. my map Icarus is on the Fileshare if you want to take a peek.

    Dax: Yep old school gamer here been gaming since I was 6 starting on the Atari 2600 (in 1986) and it has been gaming since then on pretty much anything I could get my hands on haha... still have the old mega drive ;)
  5. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I can show you how to do it, but I won't do it for ya ;)


    • Spawning - "INITIAL SPAWN"
    1. Team - "ATTACKERS" and "DEFENDERS"

    • Spawning - "RESPAWN POINT"
    1. Team - "NEUTRAL"

    • Objective - "HILL MARKER" (function as the hill to be captured during gameplay)
    1. Spawn Sequence - Varies depending on the amount and order in which objectives spawn during gameplay.
    2. Game Specific - "TRUE"

    3. Game Type Label - "KOTH_HILL"

    • Objective - "FLAG STAND(2)" (functions as each team's flag spawn)
    1. Team - "DEFENDER" and "ATTACKER"
    2. Game Specific - "TRUE"

    3. Game Type Label - "CTF_FLAG_RETURN"

    • Spawning - "RESPAWN ZONE"
    1. Game Specific - "TRUE"

    2. Game Type Label - "CTF_RES_ZONE"

    • Spawning - "RESPAWN ZONE, AWAY"
    1. Game Specific - "TRUE"

    2. Game Type Label - "CTF_Res_Zone_Away"

    • Spawning - "INITIAL SPAWN"
    1. Team - "ATTACKERS" and "DEFENDERS"

    • Spawning - "RESPAWN POINT"
    1. Team - "NEUTRAL
    I still have my old Sega Genesis from back in the day. The only two games I had were Battle Toads and Sonic, but I played that thing a ton.
    #5 Auburn, Jan 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  6. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Hi there, welcome and stuffs.

    I'm Sky, I don't bite. Much.
  7. darphiroth

    darphiroth Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Hello Sky. :)

    Thanks Auburn thats all I need someone to show and explain really has trying to get it to work from online steps doesn't seem to work and I've no idea what I'm doing wrong.
  8. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Hi Darph! I'm CaughtSword4.

    I can't really help much with forging, as I kinda suck at it. I prefer to play forged maps.

    Welcome to Forgehub!
  9. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello there new citizen, welcome to the wonderful forgehubland of 4chub.
  10. AnnieAnna

    AnnieAnna Promethean

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    Hope to see you guys around!

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