Many lols =D Stupid Game Show Answers =] There are so many but here are a few of my favourite ones =] Last one is the best =P And this one is just embarrassing...
dont you just haaaaate it when your watching a game show and the question is like "what was the wizard boys name in the j.k. rowling series?" and they answer and get like $5,000 on the spot?!!?!?! shiiiieeeeeettt :[
lol wheres the one of guy who is in collage, was really full of him self, went on who wants to be a millonaire, and got the frist question worng? oh wait here it is
rofl this is better than the lolcats thread!!! great find reynbow. and is that all of the videos on the site? or are there more?
Wait a minute... The Moon rotates around the Earth? WTF I thought the Sun rotated around the Earth and the Earth Rotated around the Moon. Whats going on?!?!?!
Lolz that's pretty funny, btw both of you can't spell. It's college. Lol there are tones more, I'll post some more if you want me to xD